此处可找到关于 SQL Server 中内置 JSON 支持的常见问题解答。FOR JSON 和 JSON 输出FOR JSON PATH 或 FOR JSON AUTO?问题。 我希望在单个表上从简单的 SQL 查询创建 JSON 文本结果。 FOR JSON PATH 和 FOR JSON AUTO 生成相同的输出。 我应该使用这两个选项之中的哪一个?
Use FOR JSON to delegate the formatting of JSON output from your client applications to SQL Server. For more information, see Format query results as JSON with FOR JSON.The following example uses PATH mode with the FOR JSON clause:SQL Copy ...
Path mode Path Examples Show 3 more Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics (serverless SQL pool only) Use JSON path expressions to reference the properties of JSON objects. You have to provide a path expression...
select*from[dbo].[Client]--FOR JSON PATHSELECT*FROM[dbo].[Client]WHEREClientID=2FORJSON PATH[{"ClientID":2,"Firstname":"Peter","Lastname":"Nielsen","Birthdate":"1998-05-19T00:00:00","Email":"Peter@126.com","PhoneNumber":"+86-16326269674","Birthplace":"Stockholm","SocialSecurityN...
Finally, there is a FOR JSON clause that can format any result set returned by SQL query as JSON text: SELECTobject_id,name FROMsys.tables FOR JSON PATH Check out the other posts in this four-part series in the links below (as they become available), or learn more in theSQL ...
Azure Synapse Analytics (serverless SQL pool only) Find answers here to some common questions about the built-in JSON support in SQL Server. FOR JSON and JSON output FOR JSON PATH or FOR JSON AUTO? Question.I want to create a JSON text result from a simple SQL query on a single table....
还有一种叫 PATH 的 mode. 就是可以通过 Select Name as 'Address.Name' 这样去自定义, 然后出来的 result 就会有层次. 默认null value 就不会有 property,这个通常不是我们要的啦, 所以要加 INCLDE_NULL_VALUES 如果我们知道 result 是 single row, 那么可以加一个 WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER. ...
Sql Server 一、拼接多个字段的值 select Convert(nvarchar(50),id)+’-’+name+’-’+sex as montage from test 二、一个字段多条记录的拼接 select stuff((select ‘-’+name from test for xml path (’’)),1,1,’’) as montage ①stuff: ...
將JSON 文件儲存在 SQL Server 或 Azure SQL 資料庫的最簡單方式是建立雙資料行資料表,其中包含文件的識別碼和文件的內容。 例如:SQL 複製 create table WebSite.Logs ( [_id] bigint primary key identity, [log] nvarchar(max) ); 或者,如果支援:SQL 複製 ...
Azure SQL 托管实例 Azure Synapse Analytics(仅限无服务器 SQL 池) 下面的示例演示了在 SQL Server 或客户端应用中使用FOR JSON子句或其 JSON 输出的几种方式。 在SQL Server 变量中使用 FOR JSON 输出 FOR JSON 子句的输出类型为 NVARCHAR(MAX),因此可以将它赋给任何变量,...