json_value(@json, '$.info.address.town') as town, json_value(@json, '$.info.tags[0]') as tag 2,返回JSON数据(JSON_QUERY) 使用JSON_QUERY ( expression [ , path ] ) 函数,根据Path 参数,返回JSON 数据(JSON fragment);参数path是可选的(optional),如果不指定option参数,那么默认的path是$,即...
测试输入 JSON 字符串中是否存在指定的 SQL/JSON 路径。Transact-SQL 语法约定语法syntaxsql 复制 JSON_PATH_EXISTS( value_expression , sql_json_path ) 参数value_expression字符表达式。sql_json_path用于在输入中测试的有效 SQL/JSON 路径。返回值
如果在使用 FOR JSON 返回结果,并且包含已采用 JSON 格式(在列中或作为表达式的结果)的数据,则使用不带 path参数的JSON_QUERY对数据进行包装。 示例 示例1 下面的示例演示如何在查询结果中从CustomFields列返回 JSON 片段。 SQL SELECTPersonID,FullName, JSON_QUERY(CustomFields,'$.OtherLanguages')ASLanguagesFROM...
通过RAW() 参数设置节点名称,无参默认节点名称为row 一行作为一个节点,字段列作为节点属性 --无参默认的使用row作为节点名称 SELECT*FROM#tempStu FOR XML RAW --结果: --<row Name="李四" SubjectName="语文" Scores="100" /> --使用参数设置节点名称 SELECT*FROM#tempStuWHEREName='李四'FOR XML RAW('...
TSqlTriggerEventTypeHelper UnaryExpression UnaryExpressionType UniqueConstraintDefinition UniqueRowFilter UnpivotedTableReference UnqualifiedJoin UnqualifiedJoinType UpdateCall UpdateDeleteSpecificationBase UpdateForClause UpdateMergeAction UpdateSpecification UpdateStatement UpdateStatisticsStatement UpdateTextStatement Use...
TSqlTriggerEventTypeHelper UnaryExpression UnaryExpressionType UniqueConstraintDefinition UniqueRowFilter UnpivotedTableReference UnqualifiedJoin UnqualifiedJoinType UpdateCall UpdateDeleteSpecificationBase UpdateForClause UpdateMergeAction UpdateSpecification UpdateStatement UpdateStatisticsStatement UpdateTextStatement UseFederat...
You can also use set based logic to do this rather than while loop all in SQL. You need to use STRING_AGG instead of FOR JSON PATH/AUTO since there is no root to the objects when you combine them back together. DECLARE @json nvarchar(max) = N'{ "SomeOtherJson": "bleh", "Order...
TSqlTokenType TSqlTriggerEventGroupHelper TSqlTriggerEventTypeHelper UnaryExpression UnaryExpressionType UniqueConstraintDefinition UniqueRowFilter UnpivotedTableReference UnqualifiedJoin UnqualifiedJoinType UpdateCall UpdateDeleteSpecificationBase UpdateForClause UpdateMergeAction UpdateSpecification UpdateStatement UpdateStati...
JSON_MODIFY Updates the value of a property in a JSON string and returns the updated JSON string. JSON_PATH_EXISTS Tests whether a specified SQL/JSON path exists in the input JSON string.For more info about the built-in support for JSON in SQL Server, see JSON Data (SQL Server).See...
TSQLLint uses a common message format that allows for integration into off the shelf tools. SQL Server Management Studio can use TSQLLint using SSMS's External Tools feature. Configuration TSQLLint utilizes a configuration file called.tsqllintrc. This file can be generated and edited by users...