'object' does not contain a definition for 'Text' and no accessible extension method 'Text' accepting a first argument of type 'object' could be found 'sender' parameter not working with switch/case block? 'SQL server Login Failed for User' error specifically when running windows service 'Str...
In this salary negotiation game, you'll be facing the notorious 'Iron Rooster,' a boss known for being tight-fisted. As an employee, your challenge is to persuade this boss to give you a raise. However, no matter how reasonable your arguments are, the 'Iron Rooster' always finds a way...
02、Delphi代码如下:uses REST.Json, System.Json, System.Types, System.Json.Types, System.Json.Writers, System.Json.Builders, System.Json.Serializers(*必须引用这个单元*); procedure TForm_Json.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var m_People: TPeople; begin m_People := TJsonSerializer.Create....
// {"seqNo":3, "productCode":"FREIGHT","description":"Freiht Cost", "qty":1, "price":10.00}] // } //Some JSON Helper functions we'll use (Delphi unit required : System.JSON) function getJsonCurrency(wObj: TJSONObject; wItem: String): Currency; var aObjItem : TJSONString; beg...
This version is the version referenced by the DelphiMVCFramework - The Official Guide book (available in english, portuguese and spanish). This version introduced new features in many different areas (swagger, server side view, MVCActiveRecord, renders etc.) however there is no a single-big-feat...
jo:=SO('{"No1":"张三","No2":"李四"}'); ShowMessage(jo['No2'].AsString);//李四 end; end. 为什么以用接口为主? 我猜是:一个JSON对象中可能包含的子对象太多,用接口释放比较方便,因为是自动释 放; 另外,Delphi2010新给的IOUntils单元的功能是用结构的方式给出,结构也是自释放 ...
总结而言,该文档详细介绍了Delphi语言中新增的`TMcJsonItem.fGetAsJSON_NoFirstKey_my`函数,并介绍了一个名为`Tmcjson-my`的第三方库,该库提供了对JSON数据处理的能力。对于需要处理JSON数据的开发者来说,了解和使用这些工具将极大地提升工作效率和开发体验。 点...
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 为什么以用接口为主? 我猜是: 一个 JSON 对象中可能包含的子对象太多, 用接口释放比较方便, 因为是自动释放; 另外, Delphi 2010 新给的 IOUntils 单元的功能是用结构的方式给出, 结构也是自释放...
一直盼着 Delphi 能够直接支持 "正则表达式" 与 "JSON"; Delphi 2009 刚来的时候, 有了 JSON, 但不好, 那时尝试过一点. 这是以前的链接: 什么是 JSON? Delphi 2010 带了两个相关单元: DBXJSON、DBXJSONReflect 貌似很强大, 但主要是给 DataSnap 准备的; 尝试了半天, 也很失望: 可能给 DataSnap 网络...
"JSON Delphi Library": "http://sourceforge.net/projects/lkjson" } ], "E": [ { "JSON in TermL": "http://erights.org/data/terml/embeddings.html" } ], "Fantom": [ { "Json": "http://fantom.org/doc/docLib/Json.html"