Caption := RunJs(js, Format('jsondate("%s")', ['/Date(1560355200000)/'])); end; 本文来自博客园,作者:{咏南中间件},转载请注明原文链接: 分类: JSON 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 delphi中间件 粉丝- 213 关注- 1 +加关注 0 ...
class function ObjectToJsonObject(AObject: TObject; AOptions: TJsonOptions = CDefaultOptions): TJSONObject; type TJsonOption = (joIgnoreEmptyStrings, joIgnoreEmptyArrays, joDateIsUTC, joDateFormatUnix, joDateFormatISO8601, joDateFormatMongo, joDateFormatParse, joBytesFormatArray, joBytesFormatBase...
m_Json := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(m_StringStream.DataString) as TJSONObject; m_JsonArr := m_Json.Values['在野'] as TJSONArray; // 第10个 for I := 0 to m_JsonArr.Count - 1 do begin m_Json_Item := m_JsonArr.Items[I] as TJSONObject; Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('武将: %s ...
str := ''; for item in jo['爱好'] do str := Format('%s %s', [str, item.AsString]); ShowMessage(Trim(str)); ja.Clear; ShowMessage(jo.AsJSon(False, False)); end; end. JSON 之 SuperObject(5): Format 与转义字符 unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants...
m_SubJsonObj := m_SubArray.Get(I) as TJSONObject; Memo2.Lines.Add(Format('标签:%s = %s', [m_SubJsonObj.Get(0).JsonString.ToString, m_SubJsonObj.Get(0).JsonValue.ToString])); Memo2.Lines.Add(Format('标签:%s = %s', [m_SubJsonObj.Get(1).JsonString.ToString, m_SubJsonObj....
(previously entered in the DataSet), exporting or importing the structure of DataSet fields in JSON format. In addition to managing nested JSON through master detail or using TDataSetField (you choose the way that suits you best). All this using class helpers, which makes it even simpler and...
Supports JSON pretty print to format the input string; Simple and responsive GUI; Automatic check for update, based on ITask (Parallel Programming Library)! It's open source! You can find the source code and binary releases on GitHub. If the JSON array is empty the contained type is unknown...
JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers. These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language. You can get more informations {"name":"Jon Snow",/* this is a comment */"dead":true,"telephones":...
DataSetConverter4D 开源项目的演示程序源代码,包含Format_JSON函数源代码。 上传者:sensor_WU时间:2021-08-16 DataSetConverter4Delphi, 将JSON对象和数据集转换为JSON对象的 DataSetConverter4Delphi, 将JSON对象和数据集转换为JSON对象的API Delphi的数据集转换器xml是转换JSON对象和数据集的API,也执行反向处理...