可以看出,使用多个 if 语句可以清晰地表达出所有可能的情况,但代码比较冗长。 我们可以使用 inline if 语法来简化这段代码: let x = 10; let result = (x < 0) ? "x is negative" : (x === 0) ? "x is zero" : "x is positive"; console.log(result); // 输出 "x is positive" ...
1varsum=0,sumRow=0;2for(vari=1;i<=5;i++){3sumRow=0;45if(i!=1) document.write("(");67for(varj=1;j<=i;j++) {8if(j!=i) document.write(j+"+");9elsedocument.write(j);10sumRow +=j;11}12if(i==1) document.write("+");13elseif(i==5) document.write(")=");14else...
为了解决JavaScript由于动态类型导致的运行性能受损问题,各大JavaScript引擎几乎都采用了IC(Inline Cache)技术:即通过缓存上一次对象的类型信息来加速当前对象属性的读写访问。...本文从引例入手,以V8 JavaScript引擎(主要由于V8既是Chrome浏览器的JS引擎,也是node的
if (!length.IsSmi()) return false; *new_capacity =static_cast<uint32_t>(Smi::ToInt(length)); } else if (object.IsJSArgumentsObject()) { return false; } else { *new_capacity = dictionary.max_number_key() + 1; } *new_capacity = std::max(index + 1, *new_capacity); ...
if_return (default: true)— optimizations for if/return and if/continue imports (default: true)— drop unreferenced import symbols when used with unused inline (default: true)— inline calls to function with simple/return statement: false— same as 0 0— disabled inlining 1— inline simple ...
no-inline-comments 禁止在代码行后使用内联注释 no-lonely-if 禁止 if 作为唯一的语句出现在 else 语句中 no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs 不允许空格和 tab 混合缩进 no-multiple-empty-lines 不允许多个空行 no-negated-condition 不允许否定的表达式 no-plusplus 禁止使用一元操作符 ++ 和– ...
I have just one request; If you submit a pull request for a bugfix, please add a unit-test or integration-test (in the spec folder) that catches the problem. Even a PR that just has a failing test is fine - I can analyse what the test is doing and fix the code from that. ...
getSourceMap() - if sourceMap option is enabled - returns string with source map or an empty string if sourceMapMode option is set as inline; getIdentifierNamesCache() - returns object with identifier names cache if identifierNamesCache option is enabled, null overwise.Calling...
else */\n if (this.lazy) {\n this.dirty = true;\n } else if (this.sync) {\n this.run();\n } else {\n queueWatcher(this);\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Scheduler job interface.\n * Will be called by the scheduler.\n */\nWatcher.prototype.run = function run () {\n if ...