1 const fs = require('fs'); 2 const createDirIfNotExists = dir => (!fs.existsSync(dir) ? fs.mkdirSync(dir) : undefined); 3 4 // 事例 5 createDirIfNotExists('test'); 这里面的方法大都挺实用,可以解决很多开发过程问题,大家就好好利用起来吧。
backgroundFileName); if (file.exists()) { getWindow().setBackground(file.getPath()); ...
id Type:string If provided, and the element does not already have anid, this value is used as theidof the player element. inactivityTimeout Type:number Video.js indicates that the user is interacting with the player by way of the"vjs-user-active"and"vjs-user-inactive"classes and the"use...
TriviaDatabaseInitializer:繼承自 CreateDatabaseIfNotExists 的TriviaContext 類別的 Entity Framework 初始設定式的實作。 此類的預設行為是僅在資料庫不存在時建立資料庫,並插入在 Seed 方法中指定的實體。 開啟Global.asax.cs 檔案並新增以下 using 陳述式。 C...
{ _id: 'id5', planet: 'Pluton', inhabited: false } // A new document { _id: 'id5', planet: 'Pluton', inhabited: false } has been added to the collection }); // If you upsert with a modifier, the upserted doc is the query modified by the modifier // This is simpler than...
Sometimes (really very often) workbook has worksheets with id not starting from 1. // For instance It happens when any worksheet has been deleted. // It's much more safety when you assume that ids are random. And stop to use this function. // If you need to access all worksheets in...
if (set.has("two")) {console.log("Exists!");} else {console.log("Does not exist!");} set.size 返回SetSchema对象中的元素数量。 const set = new SetSchema<number>();set.add(10);set.add(20);set.add(30);console.log(set.size);// output: 3 ...
#1750 [Performance] Use the Date.toISOString() native function if it exists #1753 [Performance] Cache the result of the getGlobal() to reduce the number of typeof expressions2.7.2 (Dec 7th, 2021)Changelog#1729 [BUG] Addition of stdDev metric support has broken custom metric reporting from ...
if (nodeModulesPath.toFile().exists() && reactNativePath.toFile().exists()) { return nodeModulesPath.toString() } basePath = basePath.getParent() } throw new GradleException("react-native-vision-camera: Failed to find node_modules/ path!") } This is how we do it in Work...