object.runsOnlyIfMethodExists?.() 例如下面的parent对象,如果我们直接调用parent.getTitle(), 则会报Uncaught TypeError: parent.getTitle is not a function错误,parent.getTitle?.()则会终止不会执行 代码语言:javascript 复制 letparent={name:"parent",friends:["p1","p2","p3"],getName:function(){cons...
a string value of 'any': will call play() on loadstart and if the promise is rejected it will mute the video element then call play(). To pass the option var player = videojs('my-video', { autoplay: 'muted' }); // or player.autoplay('muted'); More info on autoplay support ...
1 const fs = require('fs'); 2 const createDirIfNotExists = dir => (!fs.existsSync(dir) ? fs.mkdirSync(dir) : undefined); 3 4 // 事例 5 createDirIfNotExists('test'); 这里面的方法大都挺实用,可以解决很多开发过程问题,大家就好好利用起来吧。
check if _importGlobMap (vite internal) exists before using it (612d66f) 1.3.3 (2024-08-17) Miscellaneous bump deps (a20db24) 1.3.2 (2024-08-05) Bug Fixes multiple cache busting imports causing useData to fail (2b3e486), closes #3820, reverts #3398, reopens #3363 theme: excer...
['orange', 'pear'] }); // $addToSet adds an element to an array only if it isn't already in it // Equality is deep-checked (i.e. $addToSet will not insert an object in an array already containing the same object) // Note that it doesn't check whether the array contained ...
if (file_exists($target_file)) { echo "文件已经存在."; } else { // 将文件从临时目录移动到目标位置 if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)) { echo "文件上传成功."; } else { echo "文件上传失败."; ...
I solved this by checking, in a component with an id that might be scrolled to, whether it could find an element with the id set in window.location.hash. If so, scroll to it. I created the below hook to make it easier to use. ...
document.getElementById() 返回对拥有指定 id 的第一个对象的引用。 document.getElementsByName() 返回带有指定名称的对象集合。 document.getElementsByTagName() 返回带有指定标签名的对象集合。 document.images 返回对文档中所有 Image 对象引用。 document.implementation 返回处理该文档的 DOMImplementation 对象。
interfaceIGreeting<T='m'|'f'>{name:string;gender:T}exportconstGreeting=({name,gender}:IGreeting<0|1>):JSX.Element=>{returnHello{gender===0?'Ms.':'Mr.'}{name}}; Vue(2.x) 中的函数式组件 在Vue 官网文档的【函数式组件】章节中,这样描述到: 代码语言:javascript...
['orange', 'pear'] }); // $addToSet adds an element to an array only if it isn't already in it // Equality is deep-checked (i.e. $addToSet will not insert an object in an array already containing the same object) // Note that it doesn't check whether the array contained ...