log.call(5)//[Object Number]log.call(true)//[Object Boolean] 对于js中的bind方法,他跟apply和call基本一样,里面传递的参数也是改变this指向的,比方下面一个关于执行上下文的代码,通过bind改变this的指向。 varUser ={ count:1, getCount:function(){returnthis.count; } }varfunc =User.getCount; console...
functiona(){console.log(this);//输出函数a中的this对象}functionb(){}//定义函数bvarobj = {name:'onepixel'};//定义对象obja.call();//windowa.call(null);//windowa.call(undefined);//windowa.call(1);//Numbera.call('');//Stringa.call(true);//Booleana.call(b);// function b(){}...
Invokes the specified JavaScript function asynchronously. JSRuntime will apply timeouts to this operation based on the value configured in DefaultAsyncTimeout. To dispatch a call with a different timeout, or no timeout, consider using InvokeAsync<TValue>(String, CancellationToken,...
Um einen Anruf mit einem anderen oder keinem Timeout zu senden, sollten Sie die Verwendung von in InvokeAsync<TValue>(String, CancellationToken, Object[])Betracht ziehen. (Geerbt von JSRuntime) InvokeJS(String, String, JSCallResultType, Int64) Führt einen synchronen Funktionsaufruf aus....
function(exports,require,module,__filename,__dirname){console.log("这是模块m1");leta=100;b=200;//输出当前函数console.log(arguments.callee+"");} (6)、每个模块中都包含如下5个对象: exports:导出对象,默认为{} require:导入函数,使用该函数可以实现模块的依赖 ...
removeEventListener(event: String, handler: Function) none 移除事件监听函数 事件 参数 描述 click event{type, target} 点击文本标注后会触发此事件 dblclick event{type, target} 双击文本标注后会触发此事件 mousedown event{type, target} 鼠标在文本标注上按下触发此事件 mouseup event{type, target} 鼠标在...
You can switch between the two modes by calling doc.advancedAPI(doc=>{// your code});// ordoc.compatAPI(doc=>{// your code}); JsPDF will automatically switch back to the original API mode after the callback has run. Please check if your question is already handled at Stackoverflowht...
The $.templates function is similar to jQuery methods such as .css, or .attrib in that it provides an alternative syntax for registering and compiling multiple templates in a single call. Instead of passing two parameters (name and templateString), you can pass just one parameter consisting of...
removeEventListener(event: String, handler: Function) none 移除事件监听函数 事件 参数 描述 click event{type, target} 点击文本标注后会触发此事件 dblclick event{type, target} 双击文本标注后会触发此事件 mousedown event{type, target} 鼠标在文本标注上按下触发此事件 mouseup event{type, target} 鼠标在...