JavaScript 函数有它的属性和方法。 call()和apply()是预定义的函数方法。 两个方法可用于调用函数,两个方法的第一个参数必须是对象本身。 实例 functionmyFunction(a,b){returna*b;},10,2);//返回 20 尝试一下 » 实例 functionmyFunction(a,b){returna*b;}myArray=...
var myObject = { myProperty: 'Hello, world!' }; function myFunction() { console.log(this.myProperty); } myFunction.apply(myObject); // prints 'Hello, world!' to the console As you can see, there are a few different ways to call a function in JavaScript. Meanwhile, how you call ...
The two methods are similar. The first parameter will overridethis. They differ on the subsequent arguments.Function.apply()takes an array of values that will be passed as arguments to the function the same arguments separately. In practice I believe you'll find thatappl...
Call me function Call() { var elem = document.getElementById('<%=TextBox2.ClientID%>'); var v = parseFloat(elem.value); v += 0.01; elem.value = v; } Monday, April 26, 2010 6:20 AM Hi Refer this link Monday, April 2...
call方法是Function对象的一个方法,该方法的参数为另一个对象(和要传递给Function对象的参数)。 代码中的; 意为将Class1函数中的 this 指向 class2对象,再执行。 所以代码的最后一行,打印出的是 class1 。 该方法常用于这种情况: ...
How to call Javascript function using Response.Write() how to call multiple javascript from code behind How to call non static method of code behind file through jquery ajax? How to call WSDL webservice in C# when request is XML and will return XML as response How to capture "Date of Bir...
functionF(){this.x=1this.y=2this.f1=function(){console.log('x: '+this.x+', y: '+this.y)returnthis},this.f2=function(i,j){this.x=ithis.y=j}}// 直接调用,f1方法的this就是调用该方法的对象varf=newF()varc=f.f1()// 输出x: 1, y: 2。此时f1方法的this就是对象fc===f//...
2 Application Type Mobile, Reactive I have done the following steps which are given below. Load Html on Container using web blocks. HTML contains some javascript methods. Let me know how to call the javascript method from the javascript widget inside the button action. ...
How to debounce a function in JavaScript Before writingthe code, let's first understand the idea. Note that there are many ways to debounce a function in JavaScript. But here is my approach. We define a function that we want to debounce. We set the function to be executed after a certai...函数用于调用当前函数functionObject,并可同时使用指定对象thisObj作为本次执行时functionObject函数内部的this指针引用。 该函数属于Function对象,所有主流浏览器均支持该函数。 语法 [ thisObj [, arg1 [, arg2 [, args...]]] ) 返回...