Array.prototype.unique意思是给Array对象增加了原型方法unique,这样任意一个数组对象,比如var testArr = [1,2,3,"a","b","1",2,3],就可以用testArr.unique来使用这个方法了。可以去了解下Javascript关于创建自定义对象的内容,尤其是通过构造函数的方式创建对象。
检查以下:// create an array of 251 elements (0-250) and set the values to 0let array = Array.from({ length: 251 }, () => 0);let matches = [];function getRandomUniqueInt() { // generate untill we find a value which hasn't already been generated do { &n...
1 Array.prototype.unique1 = function () { 2 var n = []; //一个新的临时数组 3 for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) //遍历当前数组 4 { 5 //如果当前数组的第i已经保存进了临时数组,那么跳过, 6 //否则把当前项push到临时数组里面 7 if (n.indexOf(this[i]) == -1) n.pus...
@param array整型数组,且已经按照从小到大排好了序的 @param val 传入的值 @return 返回对应范围的下标 ** 说明: 根据指定的值,在array查找第一个比它大的值,返回对应的索引,通过索引在voltageDataType获取对应的类型 1:如果值小于array最小的值时,则获取最低类型。所以voltageDataType前被赋予了个0 ...
NSDictionaryobjects or Swift dictionaries and the keys they contain become JavaScript objects with matching named properties and vice versa. JavaScriptCore recursively copies and converts the values for keys. NSArrayobjects or Swift arrays become JavaScript arrays and vice versa, with elements that JavaS...
No key prop: you can just map over arrays, or use the For component with an array of unique values, no need to specify keys explicitly. No Babel: there's no need to use Babel with this framework, it works with plain old JS (plus JSX if you are into that). As a consequence we ...
bodyBodyInit(optional)HTTP response body as one ofArrayBuffer,AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>,Blob,FormData,Iterable<Uint8Array>,NodeJS.ArrayBufferView,URLSearchParams,null, orstring. jsonBodyany(optional)A JSON-serializable HTTP Response body. If set, theHttpResponseInit.bodyproperty is ignored in favor ...
Just list keys you need andenumeratetag function will create an object with corresponding properties and unique values for your convenience. Installation Install with npm: npm install @js-bits/enumerate Install with yarn: yarn add @js-bits/enumerate ...
client.index('myIndex').updateDocumentsInBatches(documents: Array<Document<Partial<T>>>, batchSize = 1000): Promise<EnqueuedTask[]>Get Documentsclient.index.getDocuments(parameters: DocumentsQuery = {}): Promise<DocumentsResults<T>>>Get one documentclient.index('myIndex').getDocument(documentId:...