函数名称:getUniqueValues 函数描述:该函数用于返回一个二维数组中的不同值。 函数签名:function getUniqueValues(arr: Array<Array<any>>): Array<any> 参数: arr: 一个二维数组,包含多个子数组,每个子数组可能包含不同的值。 返回值: 一个数组,包含二维数组中的所有不同值。
functiongetUniqueValues(arr){varflatArray=arr.flat();// 将多维数组展开为一维数组varuniqueValues=Array.from(newSet(flatArray));// 使用Set去除重复值,并转换回数组形式returnuniqueValues;}varmultiDimArray=[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[1,2,3]];varuniqueValues=getUniqueValues(multiDimArray);console.log(...
function uniqueArray(arr){ return [...new Set(arr)] } 这个方法是最简单的,他是利用set ...
To provide a unique, bottom and top offset just provide an object offset: { top: 10 } or offset: { top: 10, bottom: 5 }. Use a function when you need to dynamically calculate an offset. target selector | node | jQuery element the window object Specifies the target element of the ...
namespace) and we loop over an array of values, using each to create a timeout, which is a promise that will fire at some time in the future according to the argument you pass (milliseconds). When each timeout completes, we’ll see the ListView get an additional value, asFigure 13...
To provide a unique, bottom and top offset just provide an object offset: { top: 10 } or offset: { top: 10, bottom: 5 }. Use a function when you need to dynamically calculate an offset. target selector | node | jQuery element the window object Specifies the target element of ...
Since you created a relationship between the table with the message and the table with the comments, you can easily retrieve an array with the child comments using the GetChildRows method of the current data item's DataRow. The expression is declared like so:...
varthirdObj =newBaseObject('unique');console.log(thirdObj.name);// -> Results in 'unique'deletethirdObj.name;console.log(thirdObj.name);// -> Results in 'default' JavaScript Issue No. 8: Creating Incorrect References to Instance Methods ...
Excel.NamedItemArrayValues Represents an object containing values and types of a named item. Excel.NamedItemCollection A collection of all the NamedItem objects that are part of the workbook or worksheet, depending on how it was reached. Excel.NamedSheetView Represents a named sheet view of ...
If there are two items in the Stars array and three in the Cast array, all five items’ content will be rendered. This is a good situation to use the #data keyword, too, if the items in the arrays aren’t objects (with properties) but simple string values. For example...