I had to do an ajax-request for each element in an array. So I made a div-container with all the div-elements for each element. Each time a load was made, the div-element changed to green and .slideUp, after .remove. And each time i asked if the div-container is … Code sample...
Wait and WaitSafely Since 1.0.1 Normally, when using this framework, you would want to do things asynchronously. However, if there is a need to wait for all deferred tasks to finish, you can use Object.wait or Promise.waitSafely methods. ...
(p,"ms-").replace(q,r)},nodeName:function(a,b){return a.nodeName&&a.nodeName.toLowerCase()===b.toLowerCase()},each:function(a,b){var c,d=0;if(s(a)){for(c=a.length;c>d;d++)if(b.call(a[d],d,a[d])===!1)break}else for(d in a)if(b.call(a[d],d,a[d])=...
Meanwhile, your for-each loop will keep running, and logging Do stuff. Unless you're doing crazy stuff in your loop, the loop will be faster than the server response Like Jan Dvorak mentioned, Even if you do crazy stuff, the AJAX callbacks will wait for the loop to finish, resulting in...
(wait、process、finish、error) <Steps :current="1" status="error"> <Step title="注册" icon="ios-person"></Step> <Step title="上传头像" icon="ios-camera"></Step> <Step title="验证邮箱" icon="ios-mail"></Step> </Steps> 四、direction 可以设置为垂直的步骤条 当前正在进行第 {{ ...
[CORE MVC] How to get parent controller name in a partial view? [Critical Question] Can mvc's controller method be concurrently executed in one page?? [DataType(DataType.EmailAddress)] Vs. [EmailAddress] [HttpPost] vs [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] [not required] for validation [Required...
Speed for search result filtering is critical. Its fine for site users to wait for some time (maybe a few seconds) to load the search results but after that filtering better be fast otherwise people lose interest. To give a simple example of how things are not user friendly is if yo...
(); foreach (Thread worker in _workers) { worker.Join(); } _listener.Stop(); } // 处理请求 private void HandleRequests() { while (_listener.IsListening) { var context = _listener.BeginGetContext(ContextReady, null); if (0 == WaitHandle.WaitAny(new[] { _stop, context.AsyncWait...
// wait for all chunk requests to have been enqueued return new Promise(resolve => { 6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions 6 app/jsx/gradebook/default_gradebook/DataLoader/index.js Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ * with this program. If...