关于jquery:让SlideDown等待SlideUp结束才触发 Make SlideDown wait for SlideUp to finish before it triggers 我有一堆信息显示在每个产品下面,但如果我将鼠标悬停在它们上面的速度非常快,每个人都在上下滑动,看起来不太好,这是一团糟。 我想做的是让 jQuery 等到 slideDown 动画完成后再触发 slideUp 动画。 我的...
var uploader = $('#plupload_container').pluploadQueue(); $('#submitButton').click(function() { // if there are files to be uploaded, do it if (uploader.files.length > 0) { // make the call and wait for the uploader to finish uploader.start(); while ( the uploading is not done...
很抱歉,我没有立即看到它不能 AJAX 请求中使用async: false。现在,对for of的循环进行了返工,并添...
false。现在,对for of的循环进行了返工,并添加了async await,创建了一个测试用例:...
Figure 3 The Code to Fetch Orders Copy function fetchOrders(elem) { // Set the customer ID var id = elem["commandargument"]; currentCustomer = id; // Check the jQuery cache first var cachedInfo = $('#viewOfCustomers').data(id); if (typeof (cachedInfo) !== 'undefined') return;...
function(){if("undefined"===typeofjQuery)throwError("HappyImage's JavaScript requires jQuery");varl=a.fn.jquery.split(".");if(1===~~l[0]&&8>~~l[1])throwError("HappyImage's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.8.0 or higher");}();varg=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),u=[g....
/*! jQuery v3.3.1 | (c) JS Foundation and other contributors | jquery.org/license */ ! function(e, t) { "use strict"; "object" ==