The await keyword is only valid inside of an async function. If used outside it will generate a SyntaxError. Awaiting on a promise, the await keyword pauses the execution of the surrounding async function until that promise is either fulfilled or rejected. await also unwraps the promise giving...
chillout.waitUntil(function(){// Wait until the DOM body element is loadedif(document.body){returnchillout.StopIteration;// break loop}}).then(function(){document.body.innerHTML+='body loaded';}); Example to wait until some processing is done. ...
function myFunction() { var myVar = "Nick"; console.log(myVar); // "Nick" - myVar is accessible inside the function } console.log(myVar); // Throws a ReferenceError, myVar is not accessible outside the function.Still focusing on the variable scope, here is a more subtle example:...
constappConfig =require("@azure/app-configuration");constclient =newappConfig.AppConfigurationClient("<App Configuration connection string goes here>");asyncfunctionrun(){constnewSetting =awaitclient.setConfigurationSetting({key:"testkey",value:"testvalue",// Labels allow you to create variants of a...
Wait, what happened with the sixth? -You mean ES6? Yeah, I mean, each edition is a superset of the previous one, so if you are using ES2016+, you are using all the features of the previous versions. Right. And why use ES2016+ over ES6 then?
{ issuerName: "Self", subject: "cn=MyCert", }; async function main() { const poller = await client.beginCreateCertificate(certificateName, certificatePolicy); // You can use the pending certificate immediately: const pendingCertificate = poller.getResult(); // Or you can wait until the ...
function doPost(url) { var val1 = document.getElementsByName("key1").value; var val2 = document.getElementsByName("key2").value; $.post(url, {'key1':val1, 'key2':val2}); } 接着,在你的input/button标签或者需要发送数据的地方,增加一个onclick的属性,例如: 123 ... ... ...
Because the fragment loader is an asynchronous call, the rest of the createPages function must wait until after the then function is activated.After then is activated, createPages navigates the DOM to find the last region on the last page. createPages tests this region to find out if there ...
By adding a callback (usually named done) to it(), Mocha will know that it should wait for this function to be called to complete the test. This callback accepts both an Error instance (or subclass thereof) or a falsy value; anything else is invalid usage and throws an error (usually...