functiondetectDevice(){// 获取浏览器的 userAgent 信息varuserAgent=navigator.userAgent;// 检查 userAgent 是否包含 'Mobi'varisMobile=/Mobi/.test(userAgent);// 返回结果returnisMobile?'移动端':'PC';} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 第四步:返回检查的结果 我们的detectDevice函数已经可以...
Bump actions/cache, actions/checkout & github/codeql-action (df1df950) Bump express from 4.18.3 to 4.19.2 (691c0aee) make compare size cache readable for manual edits (783c9d69) fix size comparison for slim files when the branch is dirty (8a3a74c4) migrate more uses of fs.promises...
Upgrade Your Browser Your web browser (Internet Explorer) is looking a little retro.Try one of these to have a better experience on Zoho Desk. Use latest three version for below mentioned browsers
If you just want to do a quick preview of our latest progress, see a live demo of the docs synced every minute to thejQuery Mobile GitHub repo. This is helpful to check beforefiling an issuein the tracker to see if we’ve already fixed a bug you see...
Although View State assists in shielding the developer from the complexities of the stateless nature of HTTP, it also adds weight to the page that is often unacceptable in compact devices. If you’re incorporating mobile features into your application, ensure that you check View State for all ...
For example, working on new-feature branch where upstream is the remote at git:// git checkout new-feature git pull --rebase upstream master ## ... here you may have to resolve some conflicts ... ## You can now push to your own fork and submit...
This is the main repository for the jQuery Mobile project. From theofficial website: A unified, HTML5-based user interface system for all popular mobile device platforms, built on the rock-solid jQuery and jQuery UI foundation. Its lightweight code is built with progressive enhancement, and has...
jQuery.validator.addMethod("stringCheck", function (value, element) { return this.optional(element) || /^[a-zA-Z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5-_]+$/.test(value); }, "只能包含中文、英文、数字、下划线等字符"); // 匹配english jQuery.validator.addMethod("isEnglish", function (value, element) { ...
在创建第一个jQuery Mobile页面时你需要创建三块基本内容,下面的推荐模版展示了这一过程,你可以在未来的项目中使用它: 1.在 head 标签内填写: 2.在body标签内填写: Page Title</
jQuery.fn.extend({ check:function(){ return this.each(function(){this.checked =true;}); }, uncheck:function(){ return this.each(function(){this.checked =false;}); } }); // jQuery对象可以使用新添加的check()方法了。 $("input[type='checkbox']").check(); 单独写在文件中的扩展...