function isViewportOpen() { return !!document.getElementById('wixMobileViewport'); }33.获取移动设备初始化大小function getInitZoom(){ if(!this._initZoom){ var screenWidth = Math.min(screen.height, screen.width); if(this.isAndroidMobileDevice() && !this.isNewChromeOnAndroid()){ screenWidth...
decapitalize('FooBar'); // 'fooBar' 5.luhnCheck:银行卡号码校验(luhn算法) Luhn算法的实现,用于验证各种标识号,例如信用卡号,IMEI号,国家提供商标识号等。 与String.prototype.split('')结合使用,以获取数字数组。获得最后一个数字。实施luhn算法。如果被整除,则返回,否则返回。 const luhnCheck = num => {...
affix('checkPosition') Events Bootstrap's affix plugin exposes a few events for hooking into affix functionality. Event TypeDescription This event fires immediately before the element has been affixed. This event is fired after the element has been affixed. affix-...
AI Assistant can also refactor your code, clean it up, check it for bugs, write comments and documentation strings or just explain it. Blazing fast, all single script and Web View code is ran directly on the embedded node.js runtime or built in Web browser. ...
function checkKey(iKey) { if (iKey == 32 || iKey == 229) { return true; } /*空格和异常*/ if (iKey > 47 && iKey < 58) { return true; } /*数字*/ if (iKey > 64 && iKey < 91) { return true; } /*字...
So, let's check if it's a mobile device. Easy! 1. var properties = deviceApi.getPropertiesFromRequest(request); 2. var isMobile = properties.contains('mobileDevice', true); We add this DeviceAtlas code to our server.js file. Express.js is used for routing. We'll add the device de...
If you're having issues getting a mobile device to run Quagga using Cordova, you might try the code here: Original Repo Issue #94 Commentlet permissions = cordova.plugins.permissions; permissions.checkPermission(permissions.CAMERA, (res) => { if (!res.hasPermission) { permissions.request...
又快到周五啦,快来一起摸鱼呀!今天来看看JavaScript中的一些实用的工具函数,希望能帮助你提高开发效率!整理不易,如果觉得有用就点个赞吧! 实用工具函数.png 1. 数字操作 (1)生成指定范围随机数 代码语言:javascript 复制 exportconstrandomNum=(min,max)=>Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1))+min;复制代...
我们都知道我们进行web请求的时候,使用浏览器是可以获取到当前机器的访问信息的,目前市面上也有不少的工具或者API可以方便快速的获取用户的浏览器动态信息。整个过程比较简单,这里作为一次笔记进行简单记录。 需求 使用前端的工具或者插件,获取起前端的浏览器信息,在登录的时候,将前端的信息发送到后台数据库进行存储。
You can check System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.aspx example. This is done in 3 simple steps: Step 1: Server generates RSA key and shows only public key to the user on the web page. Note: Private RSA key is stored on server side and only server can decrypt submitted data. Step 2: ...