Acceptance Rate:76.33% Time to first decision:10.4 days Time from article received to acceptance:2-3 weeks Discover More:Recent Articles Grant Support Articles Evaluation of Efficacy of X-Ray Alone and in Combination with Radiosensitizer in Subcutaneous and Intracranial Tumor Models ...
I liked it very much and wish this journal can grow to a high level in future. Jeyaraman Madhan Friendly publication with earlier decision and acceptance of the manuscripts. Bhartendu shukla I have very good experience with Acta Scientific Publications with all its branches like pediatric, neuro...
I liked it very much and wish this journal can grow to a high level in future. Jeyaraman Madhan Friendly publication with earlier decision and acceptance of the manuscripts. Bhartendu shukla I have very good experience with Acta Scientific Publications with all its branches like pediatric, neuro...
I liked it very much and wish this journal can grow to a high level in future. Jeyaraman Madhan Friendly publication with earlier decision and acceptance of the manuscripts. Bhartendu shukla I have very good experience with Acta Scientific Publications with all its branches like pediatric, neuro...
Acceptance and Publication of papers with excellence, novelty and originality. Issue of Publication Certificate to author. We Provide High visibility of your Published work. Aim and scope Neurology is one of the broad topic on which exciting research is being carried out. The journal covers all ...
hurdle for researchers from less well-funded institutions. While OA articles are readily and instantly accessible to all readers, a large number of authors might be excluded from choosing to publish in journals with very high APCs. Thus, the financial sustainability of OA models remains...
AJASET is a good journal with fast and quality publication. It's a journal anyone would love to publish with. -- Momohjimoh Yusuf Nigeria The most fascinating fact about this growing journal is that it's high visibility and association with google scholar. I am very happy to have my pape...
Like most journals, CS-JOURNALS try to ensure publishing high quality papers. Papers that have a significant contribution, worth for sharing an idea, a concept, a technique or a result, are considered for publication as determined by our reviewers. Typically, acceptance rate varies from 20% to...
Pediatric Infectious Diseases: Open Access is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal with an aim to provide rapid and reliable source of information in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. in all areas of the field and making them freely avai...
Journal publishes all types of articles such as original research, review articles, short communications, editorials, letter to the editor, high quality clinical, and laboratory research as case series, research guidelines, techniques, and practices. The focus of this journal broadly covers, dentistry...