Acceptance Rates Journal data The percentage of papers accepted during a given period as a proportion of all papers arriving at a final decision in that period. This is calculated according to the final decision date rather than the year in which the paper was submitted. Note: the Acceptance ...
How to Find Journal Acceptance Rates Every journal has a role to publish and disseminate research in their field, and within that role is a sub-role, if you will. That of a “gatekeeper.” In other words, selecting which research is deserving of being published within the journal’s pages...
The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of articles. The Editor's decision is final. If you believe that the editorial decision about your manuscript was based on factual errors, you can contact us through the Editorial Office. Please state the manuscript...
A. (2009). Acceptance rates and journal quality: An analysis of journals in economics and finance. Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship, 14(1), 2-31. 02176330Haensley PJ, Hodges PE, Davenport SA (2008) Acceptance rates and journal quality: an ...
After acceptance Use of the Digital Object Identifier The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) may be used to cite and link to electronic documents. The DOI consists of a unique alphanumeric character string which is assigned to a document by the publisher upon the initial electronic publication. The...
all articles must be submitted online, and peer review is managed fully electronically (articles are distributed in PDF form, which is automatically generated from the submitted files). Articles will be published with their final citation after acceptance, in both fully browsable web form, and as ...
Citation recommendation describes the task of recommending citations for a given text. Due to the overload of published scientific works in recent years on
The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), the technology acceptance model (TAM), and... Show More Download (PDF): Article Add to Your Personal Library: Article Cite Article Published: Feb 7, 2024 DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.337611 Volume 20 Smart Campus...
1. Acceptance with no changes 2. Acceptance with minor changes 3. Major changes and resubmit for further reconsideration 4. Rejection with no resubmission possible Response to the Reviewers Should either (2) or (3) result, a point-by-point response to the Editors and reviewers comments indicat...
Any addition, deletion or rearrangement of author names in the authorship list should only be made prior to acceptance, and only if approved by the journal editor. Requests to change authorship should be made by the corresponding author, who must provide the reason for the request to the journa...