I’m a member of a group called Responsible Runners, which is a not-for-profit initiative that runs weekly rubbish clean-ups on beaches across Australia. The idea is that, whether you’re running, walking or doing any physical exercise, you pick up garbage as you go. To me it’s the ...
4).5452 Talia Carbis (@taliamakesart) is one Jewish woman, residing in Brisbane, Australia, who is journalling the Torah and using the hashtag #torahjournaling on her Instagram postings.53 An example of the scrapbooking-journal trend within Jewish journalling can be found in the guidebook by ...
My Three Best Travel Secrets Journaling – Travel Memories Why Not Tell Your Story with Doodle Drawings… as Well as Words? We may not be an artist, but we can all doodle – The life of a story is in the detail, so tell your story with a few doodle pictures and see it come to li...