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Journal of Youth and Adolescence官网表明投稿到第一次初步决定平均为1天左右,通过对近期已发表文章审稿速度的抽样统左右计,大部分文章的审稿周期都在2-4个月左右接受,快的竟然有投稿4天就接受了的,从抽样来看慢的也有需要6个多月的时间,从近期上线记录来看审稿周期有快有慢,整体还算比较快的,当然这只是目前成功...
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Researchis a top rated Springer Nature journal. Prof. Mauro Castelli and the editorial team performed in the top percentile of journals based on data collected from the Journal Author Satisfaction Survey. We are recognising extraordinary editors for their commi...
Entrepreneurship and the Creation of Decent Work for All Springer Nature is inviting submissions to our new multi-journal Collection on Entrepreneurship and the Creation of Decent Work for all, reflecting... Status Open for submissions Submission deadline ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, Gemini, Deepseek etc, are transforming the field of spinal...
Nature Briefing新闻题目:期刊的同行评议流程被诈骗分子劫持 某“流氓编辑网络”的渗入了一个期刊的同行评议系统以发表低水平的文章。这些劫持者编造出虚假的电子邮件账号和网络域名,冒充知名学者,在他们的可疑活动受到Journal of Nanoparticle Research期刊的编辑和出版社(Springer Nature)的关注之前,竟然成功让19篇文章在期...
BMC/Springer Nature Journal of Nanobiotechnology Trailblazer Award (2022), among many others. What Dr. Cai is most proud of is that his trainees (more than 70, from more than a dozen countries) at UW - Madison have received >150 awards to date, such as 2012 SNMMI Berson-Yalow Award ...
Journal of Biomedical Science encompasses all fundamental and molecular aspects of basic medical sciences, with an emphasis on providing the molecular studies ...
The Journal of Forestry Research is an international platform for original theoretical, experimental research and technical reviews on forestry. Welcomes review articles, original papers, commentary, perspective and short communications etc. with high academic quality. Publishes scientific articles related to...
for experienced individuals in the fields of spinal surgery, basic sciences and genetics in orthopaedics. For consideration, please send your CV and details of any editorial experience to sara.ho@springernature.com with the subject line 'JOSR AE application'. We look forward to hearing from you....