Enter your abstract, description of your research, or a sample text and the Springer Nature Journal Suggester provides a list of relevant journals. You can refine the results based on requirements for Impact Factor or publishing model, including an option to match to journals that are fully o...
1、Springer Journal Suggester 网址:https://journalsuggester.springer.com/ Springer Journal Suggester是Springer Nature推出的选刊系统,主要搜索的是Springer和BMC旗下的杂志。通过输入文章题目和主要内容(摘要就行)进行匹配搜索,还可以影响因子大小进行限制。 从搜索的结果来看,这篇文章的推荐从1分到15分都有推荐,好...
1、Springer Journal Suggester 网址:https://journalsuggester.springer.com/# 介绍:Springer NATURE出版社下的选刊神器,通过输入稿件题目、摘要并选择领域就可以为你的稿件推荐合适期刊的名录,大家根据期刊影响力及自己稿件水平进行筛选即可! 2、Journal Selector|Edanz 网址:https://www.edanz.com/journal-selector 介...
Looking for a place to publish? With over 3000 journals, we cover the full range of research disciplines. Although we no longer suggest journals based on your manuscript, you can: browse our A-Z list of journals from Springer and BMC search by keyword across all Springer Nature journals...
Find the right journal to publish your research with Springer Nature’s Journal Finder. Search or browse over 3,000 journals across all our brands and discover the perfect journal to publish your work.
1、Springer Journal SuggesterSpringer Journal Suggester是Springer Nature推出的选刊系统,主要搜索的是Springer和BMC旗下的杂志。通过输入文章题目和主要内容(摘要就行)进行匹配搜索,还可以影响因子大小进行限制。 2、Journal FinderElsevier同样也有自己的选刊系统,是以题目+摘要+关键词的形式进行推荐。 3、journal GuideJo...
3、Journal Suggester Springer,这个是学术出版巨头之一的Springer Nature出版社推出的选刊系统。可供选择的期刊范围主要为Springer Nature旗下期刊。 查询地址:https://journalsuggester.springer.com/; 4、JournalFinder,这个是Elsevier的选刊工具;输入标题和摘要,就可以查询到合适的期刊了,其中筛选的结果中有影响因子,审稿...
If you know the name of the journal you want to submit to,view all journals. If you would like us to recommend the journal/s that are best suited to publish your article, use ourJournal Suggester. All you need is an abstract or description of your article to find matching journals. ...
网址:https://journalsuggester.springer.com/ 4、journal Guide 网址:https://www.journalguide.com/ 网址提供了多种搜索形式,我们还是选用文章匹配的方式进行筛选。 Journal Guide显示结果更为清晰,会根据匹配程度进行排名。我们可以看到前十名推荐的杂志中,有这篇文章发表所在的Nature Communication杂志,可见这个投稿推...
Representation can assist the clinical suggesters for detecting coronary heart disease with its different occurrences and how it may be related with various sections of the people. Coronary heart disease is a frequent form of ailment influencing the heart and a significant reason for early death. ...