1. Analysis for Carry and Lead the Text from 2003 to 2005 about Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences; 《山西农业科学》2003~2005年载文与引文分析更多例句>> 2) Journal of Shanxi Agricultural University (Natural Science Edition) 山西农业大学学报(自然科学版)...
1、常用气象期刊刊名缩写 Meteorological Journal abbreviationsAmerican Scientist Amer SciAnnual Review of Fluid Mechanics Annu Rev Fluid MechApplied Optics Appl OptAtmosphereOcean Atmos OceanAtmospheric Environment Atmos EnvironAtmospheric Research Atmos Res Australian Journal of Agricultural Research Aust J Agric...
ShanxiMeteor Quart(in Chinese) 高原山地气象研究 Plateau and Mountain Meteorology Research PlateauMountainMeteor Res(in Chinese) 浙江气象 Journal ofZhejiangMeteorology JZhejiangMeteor(in Chinese) 中国气象科学研究院年报(英文版) ChineseAcademyof Meteorological Sciences Annual Report Chinese Academy of Meteor Sci...
College of Agriculture, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025; 3. Institute of Crop and Nuclear Technology Utilization,Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310021) Abstract: Plant height and its relative traits are key factors that affect plant type and yield of sorghum. Mapping major ...
摘要 为了探讨沼液浸种对水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,以金粳818水稻品种和猪场沼液为试验材料,在以蒸馏水为对照的条件下,设置10%、25%、50%、75%和100%5个体积分数沼液溶液分别浸泡金粳818水稻种子24、48、72 h后催芽,测定种子萌发率、萌发速率指数、根长、根数和茎长等指标.结果表明,在浸种24 h下,沼液...
1 常用气象期刊刊名缩写 Meteorological Journal abbreviations American Scientist Amer Sci Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics Annu Rev Fluid Mech Applied Optics Appl Opt Atmosphere—Ocean Atmos —Ocean Atmospheric Environment Atmos Environ Atmospheric Research Atmos Res Australian Journal of Agricultural Research ...
1 1 常用气象期刊刊名缩写 Meteorological Journal abbreviations American Scientist Amer Sci Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics Annu Rev Fluid Mech Applied Optics Appl Opt Atmosphere —Ocean Atmos —Ocean Atmospheric Environment Atmos Environ Atmospheric Research Atmos Res Australia...