1. Analysis for Carry and Lead the Text from 2003 to 2005 about Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences; 《山西农业科学》2003~2005年载文与引文分析更多例句>> 2) Journal of Shanxi Agricultural University (Natural Science Edition) 山西农业大学学报(自然科学版)...
1 常用气象期刊刊名缩写 Meteorological Journal abbreviations American Scientist Amer Sci Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics Annu Rev Fluid Mech Applied Optics Appl Opt Atmosphere—Ocean Atmos —Ocean Atmospheric Environment Atmos Environ Atmospheric Research Atmos Res Australian Journal of Agricultural Research ...
This essay reviews the proc ess of the Monthly Version of the Journal of Shanxi Agricultural University from2011 to 2018.By focusing on the studies of contents pages,it analyzes the changes in form and contents,and predicts its future developments and academic contributions,thus calls a period for...
常用气象期刊名缩写 Meteorological Journal abbreviations常用气象 American Scientist AmerSci Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics AnnuRevFluid Mech Applied Optics ApplOpt Atmosphere—Ocean Atmos—Ocean Atmospheric Environment AtmosEnviron Atmospheric Research AtmosRes Australian Journal of Agricultural Research AustJ...
AI论文写作 >> 开具论文收录证明 >> 页面导航 摘要 著录项 引文网络 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 通过设置不同碳源培养基、不同氮源培养基、不同菌株活化时间、不同母种培养基、不同栽培种培养基、不同添加物培养的方式对蜜环菌菌株进行培养,以探索蜜环菌的最适培养条件,为实现蜜环菌快速培育提供理论基础.结果...
期刊封面封底目录下载 >> 页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 本文就土壤肥力遥感监测的可能性进行了深入的探讨,根据土壤肥力物质基础特有的光谱特性,提出了土壤黑度值的概念,详细阐述了土壤黑度值与土壤有机质,质地,含水量氧化铁之间的正相关关系和与石英之间的负相关关系,明确...
1、常用气象期刊刊名缩写 Meteorological Journal abbreviationsAmerican Scientist Amer SciAnnual Review of Fluid Mechanics Annu Rev Fluid MechApplied Optics Appl OptAtmosphereOcean Atmos OceanAtmospheric Environment Atmos EnvironAtmospheric Research Atmos Res Australian Journal of Agricultural Research Aust J Agric...
1 1 常用气象期刊刊名缩写 Meteorological Journal abbreviations American Scientist Amer Sci Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics Annu Rev Fluid Mech Applied Optics Appl Opt Atmosphere —Ocean Atmos —Ocean Atmospheric Environment Atmos Environ Atmospheric Research Atmos Res Australia...