International Journal of Scientific Reports is an open access, international, peer-reviewed multidisciplinary science and technology journal. The journal's full text is available online at International Journal of Scientific Repor
1 Journal of Scientific Research and Reports 29 Abstract: 30 Aims: To evaluate the aquaculture potential of the native fishes from the Mbo Floodplain 31 (MF) Rivers for their domestication and preserv... CT Tiogué,P Zango,MTE Tomedi,... 被引量: 0发表: 0年 ...
2024生信友好期刊 一下不觉又到中秋,影响因子也更新了一段时间。为此,小编为各位佬哥佬姐整理了322本 2024 年生信友好期刊,同时附上。数据来源截止今年7月份前,准不准确大家也可以看后评估,不过仅供参考。 (后台回复关键字可以查看相应期刊更多信息) 实时检索SCI收录状态: 为了方便铁...
其中水刊排行第一的《Scientific Reports》,在最新2023年分区中,由综合性期刊3区升为2区了!惊不惊喜! 另一个收稿广泛并且年发文量巨大的临床医学综合期刊—《Journal of Clinical Medicine》在最新分区中,由医学2区top降为医学3区! 后记 有人说Scientific Reports 是不是砸钱了?倒也不见得,毕竟还是Nature子刊嘛...
2023年1月31日,中国科学院文献情报中心-期刊分区表团队发布2023年《国际期刊预警名单(试行)》,(共有28本国际期刊入选,其中包含6本高预警期刊和11本中预警期刊。农林类期刊有一本期刊(FOOD ...
historical guidance utilizing a 5 µm cut-off for airborne transmission was used, but recent work [10, 11], argues that the scientific basis for such a cut-off is non-existent, and that a broader range of aerosol size should be considered to be involved in airborne transmission of ...
图片来源:Web of Science 这让人不禁要问,难道投稿真的要看黄历吗? 05 最“恶意“论文 胖子更有可能搞出学术不端? 就在今年的 7 月 22 日,Springer Nature 旗下的杂志 Scientific Reports 在线发表了一篇题为 Dishonesty is more affected by BMI status than by short-term changes in glucose 的文章,将...
1.Scientific Reports 期刊基本信息 Scientific Reports是本由英国创办,Springer Nature出版社出版管理的期刊。发表ISSN号为 2045-2322,期刊主编为来自英国的Richard White博士。 该刊是一本主要收录自然科学、医学和工程学所有领域的原创研究的期刊,主要涉及到生物科学,健康科学等内容。
“Hospitals” as a name for a journal might appear simply as an umbrella term for healthcare-relevant research. It is certainly an inclusive and ambitious choice of title. We aspire forHospitalsto be a melting pot, and a home for all researchers interested in improving and innovating hospital...
DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.945606 Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e945606 24 Dec 2024:Case report Selective IgA Deficiency and Aseptic Liver Abscess as Initial Indicators of Crohn’s Disease in a Young Woman: A Case Study Axelle Amiel,Théo Van Gucht[...] ...