A new classification system to describe the ageing of scientific journals and their impact factors During the past decades, journal impact data obtained from the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) have gained relevance in library management, research managem... HF Moed,TN Van Leeuwen,J Reedijk - 《Jo...
International Journal of Scientific Reports is an open access, international, peer-reviewed multidisciplinary science and technology journal. The journal's full text is available online at http://www.sci-rep.com. International Journal of Scientific Repor
期刊名称:《Journal of Scientific Research and Reports》 | 2018年第6期 2.Review of Health Information in Hospitals` Reports - North Kordofan State- Sudan 机译:苏丹北部科尔多凡州医院报告中的健康信息审查 作者:Eman Malik Abdel Rahman Mohammed;Siham Ahmed Balla;Amel Elamine Mohamed Elnor;Taha Ahmed...
Cell Reports Methodsis an open access, multidisciplinary journal from Cell Press publishing significant methodological advances of broad interest. The primary criterion for publication inCell Reports Methodsis a robust, reproducible method that will spur scientific progress. We will also … ...
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management Studies (IJSRMS)is an online open access, peer-reviewed refereed journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in all the fields of Science, Technology and Management Studies. The Journal reports the new paradigms in emerging fields ...
In collaboration with the Peking University Institute of Child and Adolescent Health, the journal Future (ISSN: 2813-2882) was founded in...
The environmental impact of beef cattle production varies significantly across farming systems, influenced by factors like feed, management practices, and land use. By applying the LCA perspective with “from cradle to farm gate” boundaries and using the CAP’2ER® tool, this study evaluates [....
Contribute to expanding medical knowledge in Medical Case Reports. Journal of Medical Case Reports is the world’s first international PubMed-listed medical ...
Use of the Journal Citation Reports for serials management in research libraries: an investigation of the effect of self-citation on journal rankings in li... “Use of the journal citation reports for serials management in research libraries: an investigation of the effect of self-citation on jou...
A companion title to the International Journal of Information Management, IJIM Data Insights is a peer reviewed gold open access journal focusing on empirical evidences for information management using emerging data science methods. Data science is an emerging research methodology that contribut...