Journal of Radio ElectronicsJournals
(Sn) and highly efficient NIR fluorescence from the π-conjugated polymers in both solution and on a film, the polymers can be used as both liquid and film-type NIR scintillators. Moreover, the radioluminescence showed good linearity across the dose rate range of 50 to 5000 mGy h−...
Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology is an open access platform focusing on the latest in electronics, automation, and computer science. ...
Journal of Radio Frequency IdentificationUSA31%similarity27 Electronics LettersGBR28%similarity28 International Journal on Communications Antenna and PropagationITA28%similarity29 IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and BiologyUSA26%similarity30 International Journal of Electronics ...
Department of Power Electronics and Machines, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic ORCID Join as Editorial Board Member Would you like to make a valuable contribution to the scientific community by joining the editorial team of this journal? Or perhaps you're a current editorial board...
select article Radiofrequency-thermal effect of cisplatin-crosslinked nanogels for triple therapies of ablation-chemo-embolization Research articleAbstract only Radiofrequency-thermal effect of cisplatin-crosslinked nanogels for triple therapies of ablation-chemo-embolization Ling Li, Hongsen Zhang, Hao Zhao, ...
Low Altitude Measurement Accuracy Improvement of the Airborne FMCW Radio Altimeters Analyzing Electrical Performance and Thermal Coupling of Supercapacitor Assembled Using Phosphorus-Doped Porous Carbon/Graphene Composite Using Different Ions in the Hydrothermal Method to Enhance the Photoluminescence Properties of...
neuroscientists; pharmacologists; toxicologists; clinicians; epidemiologists; psychiatrists; psychologists; cardiologists; chemists; (radio)physicists; computer scientists; programmers and systems analysts; biomedical, clinical, electrical and other engineers; teachers of medical informatics and users of educationa...
Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Edited byChi-Wah Kok,Wing-Shan Tam December 2015 DCIS’12 Special Issue Edited bySerge Bernard,Patrick Garda,Michel Renovell October 2014 Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems Edited byAndrzej Napieralski ...
Microwave Journal is the leading source for radio frequency & microwave technology insights, news, design techniques, as well as wireless / WiFi technology.