期刊名称:Journal of Electronics and Information Science《电子与信息科学杂志》 知网更新周期: (知网更新4个月) ISSN: 2371-9524 征稿方向: 工业工程 审稿周期:3个工作日 录用通知:投稿后3个工作日 见刊时间:录用后预计1个月(可下载电子版) 检索类型:知网(外文数据库)出版社:Clausius Scientific Press (CSP)...
期刊名称:Journal of Electronics and Information Science《电子与信息科学杂志》Journal of Electronics and Information Science《电子与信息科学杂志》 知网更新周期: (知网更新4个月) ISSN: 2371-9524 征…
《电子与信息技术电子》(Journal Of Electronics & Information Technology)是一本由Science Press出版的以ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC为研究特色的国际期刊,发表该领域相关的原创研究文章、评论文章和综述文章,及时报道该领域相关理论、实践和应用学科的最新发
《电子与信息技术电子》(Journal Of Electronics & Information Technology)是一本以ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Science Press出版商刊期12 issues/year。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道...
10 (2025) 1 Printed copy $500 * Note: Please send your detailed contact information (Mailing Address, Contact Person, Telephone Number and Purchased Items) to info@clausiuspress.com after your payment so that we can send the paper version of a journal by mail to you.Subscription...
Most popular papers inJournal of Electronics and Information Science Design and implementation of efficient Learning platform based on SpringBoot Framework Guanhong Chen, Jiangming Xu Abstract|References|PDF|HTML| Pub. Date: Dec 7, 2020 DOI:10.23977/jeis.2021.61011| Downloads:2703| Views:9183 ...
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The Journal of Electronics and Information Technology covers all issues in the field of power electronics. The technology includes power converters, variable speed drives, renewable energy, power quality and utility applications, analysis, modeling and control, power equipment and components, power electro...
期刊名称:Journal of Electronics and Information Science《电子与信息科学杂志》知网更新周期:每4个月更新一次 ISSN编号:2371-9524 主要征稿方向:工业工程领域 审稿周期:投稿后3个工作日内完成 录用通知:投稿后3个工作日收到录用消息 见刊时间:预计从录用后1个月 数据库检索:知网收录,由出版社...
The Journal of Electronics & Information (hereinafter referred to as the "Journal") was founded in 1979 (formerly the Journal of Electronic Science, renamed in 2001). It is a comprehensive academic journal in the field of electronics and information sponsored by the Institute of Space Information...