International Journal of Radiation Biology是一本核科学技术方向的期刊,创刊于1988年,由Informa Healthcare出版。期刊现任主编是来自美国西北大学的Gayle Woloschak。期刊ISSN号:0955-3002。最新影响因子为3.352分。 International Journal of Radiation Biology在中科院分区(最新升级版):大类学科-医学:3区;小类学科:核科学...
主页链接: Physics and Chemistry is a multidisciplinary journal that provides a medium for publication of substantial and original papers, reviews, and short communications which focus on research and developments involving ionizing radiation in ...
there remains a research gap in leveraging swarm intelligence algorithms to optimize the hyperparameters of the Transformer model for wind power prediction. To improve the accuracy of short-term wind power forecast, this paper proposes a hybrid short-term wind power forecast approach named STL-IAOA-...
lycorine (LYC), and lycoramine (LYCM), which have been reported to exhibit medicinal values. However, the effects of light quality onL. longitubaare unknown. The present study aimed to explore the effects of different light emitting diode (LED)...
Skin color is a well-recognized adaptive trait and has been studied extensively in humans. Understanding the genetic basis of adaptation of skin color in various populations has many implications in human evolution and medicine. Impressive progress has b
The studies of the impacts of energy use and energy policy are also welcomed. Read More Indexing and Abstracting Ei Compendex/Engineering Village (Elsevier); Scopus (Elsevier); WorldCat (OCLC); Google Scholar; ResearchGate; SCImago (SJR); Crossref; Sherpa/RoMEO; Letpub; Elektronische; ...
这本期刊位于JCR1区,是一本TOP期刊。期刊的年发文量少,目前国人发文量排名第二。审稿速度慢且不稳定,着急发表的就不推荐考虑这本期刊。无版面费。推荐指数2.5颗星。 资料来源:Web of Science、期刊官网、Journal Citation Reports、LetPub SCI论文一站式服务|翻译润色|协助发表|返修指导|评审|图表|投稿...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics(IJROBP)是一本肿瘤学方向的期刊,创刊于1975年,由Elsevier Inc.出版。期刊现任主编是来自美国加利福尼亚大学的Sue Yom博士。期刊ISSN号:0360-3016,EISSN号:1879-355X。最新影响因子为8.013分。