Don’t worry too much about how well you are writing at this point. It is also best at this point not to worry too much about the niceties of sentence structure and grammar. That is all best left for the second major step, which is editing. You should think of the essay writing proc...
不得不说,Peterson给的是一个非常完整的写作流程图,也让我很惊讶,原来有人是这样写文章的。可惜我今天写的只是笔记,希望尽快实践他的写作方法。 刘野Books on Books, 2007 Reference: Peterson, J., Essay Writing Guide原文地址: 有需要的翻墙出去找一下下载...
6. 读者所置身的文化。 📃 原文题目:Dr. Jordan B. Peterson’s 10 Step Guide to Clearer Thinking Through Essay Writing 🧠 作者:ur_immeasurable 【13/100】2020年12月13日
如何评价Jordan Peterson? 清浦 伦敦政治经济学院 房地产经济学与金融学硕士 最早了解乔丹,是看到他教学视频, 在加拿大大学课堂上,讲陀思妥耶夫斯基的《罪与罚》。故事提纲挈领,解析深入,观点有穿透力,对作者陀翁个人生平背景理解深… 赞同 13添加评论 ...
First, my qualified and supremely trained heterosexual white male graduate students (and I’ve had many others, by the way) face a negligible chance of being offered university research positions, despite stellar scientific dossiers. This is partly because of Diversity, Inclusivity and ...
Jordan B Peterson Original PDF: Notebook Slides:
Jordan B Peterson PART ONE: INTRODUCTION What is an essay? An essay is a relatively short piece of writing on a particular topic. However, the wordessayalso means attempt or try. An essay is, therefore, a short piece written by someone attempting to explore a topic or answer a question....
Jordan B Peterson PART ONE: INTRODUCTION What is an essay? An essay is a relatively short piece of writing on a particular topic. However, the wordessayalso means attempt or try. An essay is, therefore, a short piece written by someone attempting to explore a topic or answer a question....