even if the essay is several thousand words or more in length. This is because it is difficult to keep an argument of more than that length in mind at one time so that you can assess the quality of its structure. So, write
原文:豆瓣: Jordan Peterson's guide on essay writing 我们为什么写作? 为什么复杂的想法是重要的?因为对于一般人来说,行动和思考没有什么区别。但其实思考是更重要的,因为经过思考的行动比无知的行动更加有成效,同时遇到的问题也会更少。如果你想拥有一个有能力、安全感、参与度的生活,而不是一个野蛮和短暂的生...
豆瓣: Jordan Peterson's guide on essay writing 写作读书
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwihmfyx-OGDAxXZqFYBHVkhA-0QFnoECB0QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fjordanbpeterson.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F02%2FEssay_Writing_Guide.docx&usg=AOvVaw3KyLd4DMN7itJ47rOkO__z&opi=89978449 有需要的翻墙出去找一下下载...
4. 所有段落要安排在逻辑推进中。 5. 读者能够理解。(反例,后现代写法) 6. 读者所置身的文化。 📃 原文题目:Dr. Jordan B. Peterson’s 10 Step Guide to Clearer Thinking Through Essay Writing 🧠 作者:ur_immeasurable 【13/100】2020年12月13日...
如何评价Jordan Peterson? 清浦 伦敦政治经济学院 房地产经济学与金融学硕士 最早了解乔丹,是看到他教学视频, 在加拿大大学课堂上,讲陀思妥耶夫斯基的《罪与罚》。故事提纲挈领,解析深入,观点有穿透力,对作者陀翁个人生平背景理解深… 赞同 13添加评论 ...
So to sum up: Scott Alexander starts off by mocking him, then admits he became a better person while reading the book and that Jordan Peterson himself is a good person who is trying to make the world better and wrote a “really good” book to do so, and still wraps up the essay by...
我学习心理学的初衷也是认为心理学意味着更大可能性的幸福。周日想起来去他的个人网站看了上面的介绍,又仔细看了他的推荐书单,同时发现他有一份写作指导“Essay Writing Guide”, 遂打印了仔细阅读。另,Google Scholar上下载了2篇他的论文,还没读。 Jordan Peterson的风格一向是:直达事物的本质、提供具有可操作性...
Jordan B Peterson Original PDF: https://github.com/socrateslab/workshop/files/7575610/Essay.Writing.Guide.pdf Notebook https://github.com/socrateslab/workshop/blob/main/notebook/Essay%20Writing%20Guide.ipynb Slides: https://nbviewer.org/format/slides/github/socrateslab/workshop/blob/main/noteboo...
And all of you going along with the DIE activists, whatever your reasons: this is on you. Professors. Cowering cravenly in pretence and silence. Teaching your students to dissimulate and lie. To get along. As the walls crumble. For shame. CEOs: signalling a virtue you don’...