Not all jokes are meant for kids, that is why we have specifically listed these jokes for adults. Just make sure the kids are not around while you go through them. But of course the jokes are very funny, so you might not be able to control your laughter. These nuggets of gold were ...
What does an elephant use for a vibrator? An epileptic. A girl is flirting at a bar and says "Tell me it's true what they say about black guys". He then proceeds to stab her 37 times and steal her purse. Did you hear about the leper hockey game?
There was three guys a sex addict a weed addict and a alcoholic they all went to hell for their sin and was standing in front of the devil. The devil made a deal with them saying I will lock you in a room with what ever you did for a 1000 years and if you get over any of ...
Whether you've come here seeking material for open mic night or are a dad looking for a lifetime supply of witty lines to keep on hand, this compilation ofbad jokeshas everything you need to deliver non-stop laughter. Best of all, with the exception of an occasionaldark humor joke, the...
I said, "Doesn't matter - let's look for yours." We older guys are helpful like that. senior funny senior joke men joke supermarket Dislike Like The Forgotten Pillow Cases A stingy old man was determined to prove wrong the old saying, “You can’t take it with you when you die....
58 - The Irish girl knelt in the confessional and said, "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned." "Wh... More ›› 59 - Su Wong marries Lee Wong. The next year, the Wongs have a new baby. The nurse brings them over a... More ›› 60 - These four guys were walking dow...
Two old guys are sitting on a park bench. A beautiful young woman walks by. A long pause ... sound of crickets. One of the old guys says, "Ahh ... to be seventy again." Religion Source: original. A dedicated churchgoer discovers there are 100 churches in his town, so he decides...
Two guys, one old and one young, are pushing their carts around Home Depot when they collide. The old guy says to the young guy, "Sorry about that. I'm looking for my wife, and I guess I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." ...
The young guy says, "Well, she is 24 years old, tall, with blond hair, big blue eyes, long legs, and she's wearing tight white shorts, a halter top and no bra. What does your wife look like?" I said, "Doesn't matter - let's look for yours." We older guys are helpful ...
What do you call two guys hanging on a window? Kurt and Rod. How much does a hipster weigh? An Instagram. Whoever stole my copy of Microsoft Office, I hope you Excel. Does my partner think I’m a control freak? I haven’t decided yet. ...