Joint-snhmC-seq profiling of single nuclei from mouse brains reveals an unprecedented level of epigenetic heterogeneity of both 5hmC and true 5mC at single-cell resolution. We show that cell-type-specific profiles of 5hmC or true 5mC improve multimodal single-cell data integration, enable ...
(Joint-snhmC-seq), a scalable and quantitative approach that simultaneously profiles 5hmC and true 5mC in single cells by harnessing differential deaminase activity of APOBEC3A toward 5mC and chemically protected 5hmC. Joint-snhmC-seq profiling of single nuclei from mouse brains reveals an ...
scRNA-Seq analysis of human embryonic TMJC cell types To construct a cellular atlas of the human embryonic TMJC in 3 and 4-month-old, we isolated TMJC tissue from two early developmental stages: 7052 cells from 3-month-old TMJC and 9572 cells from 4-month-old TMJC. After cell quality...
RNA-seq analysis of synovial fibroblasts in human rheumatoid arthritis. Mol. Med. Rep. 2014, 10, 241–247. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 15. Malemud, C.J. Matrix Metalloproteinases and Synovial Joint Pathology. Prog. Mol. Biol. Transl. Sci. 2017, 148, 305–325. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 16. ...
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