The US might have drawn the line at Saudi Arabia, as Colin Powell, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, proposed. 也许正如时任参谋长联席会议(JointChiefsofStaff)主席的科林•鲍威尔(ColinPowell)所提议的那样,美国已经在沙特阿拉伯划出了界限。 2. But other senior officials...
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) is an advisory board. It provides professional military advice to the secretary of defense and the president. It was founded in 1947 and is based in Washington, DC. Headquarters Location Washington,DC,20318,
joint chiefs of staff 英[dʒɔɪnt] 美[dʒɔɪnt] 释义 n. 参谋首长联席会议 大小写变形:Joint Chiefs of Staff 英英释义 Noun 1. the executive agency that advises the President on military questions; composed of the chiefs of the Army and Navy and Air Force and the Commandant of...
the Joint Chiefs of Staff参谋长联席会议 Joint Chiefs of Staff参谋长联席会议 joint chiefs of staffn. 参谋首长联席会议 joint chiefsphr. 联席 on the staff在职的,编制内的 be on the staff在职, 在编人员 The staff参谋人员 chiefs and deputy chiefs with government departments and public enterprises司法...
The head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Richard Myers, is in China for two days, before heading onto Mongolia and Australia. 美国参谋首长联席会议主席访问中国,这是海南美国侦察机事件以来的首次最高军事官员的访问。 权威例句 Joint Chiefs of Staff ...
The Joint Chiefs of Staff is a group comprised of the military heads of each of the four branches of the United States Armed Forces, and charged with providing leadership and coordinated military action in time of war. Contents 1 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs 1.1 Vice Chairman 2 Joint St...
Joint Chiefs of Staff 參謀長聯席會議 政府/聯邦調查局文件 各種語言釋義 参谋长联席会议 參謀長聯席會議 Joint Chiefs of Staff Chefs d'état - major interarmées Junta de Jefes de Estado Mayor Chefes de Estado-Maior Conjunto объединенноезаседаниеначальников...
chiefs of naval operations [ cno ]的复数形式 JOINT 接头,接缝;接合点 joint adj. 联合的,共同的 n. 1. 关节 2.(尤指构成角的)接头;接合处;接点 3.【英】一块烤肉 4.【口】公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮食和娱乐场所) 5.【口】大麻烟卷 v. half staff n. 半旗 vt. 下半旗 object staff n....
英英释义 the executive agency that advises the President on military questions; composed of the chiefs of the United States Army and the United States Navy and the United States Air Force and the commandant of the United States Marine Corps...
美国的参谋长联席会议(英语:Joint Chiefs of Staff, JCS),是美国军队陆海空各军种指挥官组成的机构。其机能与英联邦国家的参谋长委员会和部分国家的参谋部相类似,主要职能是三军之间的协调和进行合作参谋。1986年高华德-尼古拉斯法案改组了军队,参谋首长联席会议没有权力对美国的军队下达命令。联席会议首要职责是确保人...