1) joint chiefs of staff 参谋首长联席会议 例句>> 2) Joint Chiefs of Staff 参谋长联席会议 例句>> 3) JCSAN Joint Chiefs of Staff Alerting Network 参谋长联席会议报警网 4) convention of school principals 校长联席会议 5) joint meeting
Guidance To Pentagon Joint Chiefs Of Staff: Beyond ABMS JADC2 to Quantum Uncertainty Time-Space Complexity: New York State Cybersecurity Conference. Quantum PhD-Engineers Expert Panel Moderated by US Air Force Modeling & Simulation CTO: Space for Women Show. Startup Summit CEO Guidance: Growing ...
Joint Chiefs of Staff canmouzhang lianxi huiyi参谋长联席会议(Joint ehie化。f sta均一些国家的高级军事咨询和指挥机构。通常隶属于国防部,由主席和陆军、海军、空军参谋长等组成。 参谋长联席会议,由美国首创于1942年。当时,为适应美英联合作战,美国和英国决定在华盛顿成立“美英联合参谋长委员会”。为同英军参谋...
=Chief of Staff 参谋长;幕僚长5) Joint Chiefs of Staff 参谋长联席会议 例句>> 6) fleet captain 海军舰队参谋长补充资料:参谋长 参谋长 chief of staff CQnmouZhang参谋长(c hief of sta毋本级主官在军事工作上的主要助手和司令部的直接首长。是实现主官意图、决心的主要组织者和军事行政工作的具体...
We have been Doing So Since the Beginning of the WWW... Worldwide top leadership programs such as the Harvard MBA, world leaders such as Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Big-4 CxOs, and, CIOs of the US Army, US Navy, and US Air Force, and, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff of the ...
Guidance To Pentagon Joint Chiefs Of Staff: Beyond ABMS JADC2 to Quantum Uncertainty Time-Space Complexity: New York State Cybersecurity Conference. Quantum PhD-Engineers Expert Panel Moderated by US Air Force Modeling & Simulation CTO: Space for Women Show. Startup Summit CEO Guidance: Growing ...
This legislation resulted in the creation of the Secretary of Defense to oversee the nation's military and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) to advise the president on military strategy and planning. It also established the National Security Council (NSC), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), ...
For Israel, the United States is both "a strategic ally and our greatest friend. The relations are a cornerstone in the national security of Israel," Ya'alon said told media after meeting with Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. joint chiefs of staff, in Jerusalem on Sunday....
The Biden administration has nominated Gen. David Allvin to be the next Air Force chief of staff, according to aTuesday announcement. Allvin would succeed Gen. Charles Brown, who has been nominated for chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. ...
dubious distinction of having the highest divorce rate in the world, the temporary decline in divorce did not occur in the same extent in [JY](10)___ Europe. Contrary to fears of the experts, the role of breadwinner and homemaker was not abandoned. Part...