So, while most people will need to spend time making connections after college, you’ll already have a full network of support in place through your fraternity or sorority. Having a network already in place will help expedite your job hunt. And now the cons… Substance Abuse Social drinking ...
Or Don't: What I Learned by Joining (and Quitting) a Sorority I was an initiated member of a nationally recognized Greek organization my freshman year of college. Since then, I have withdrawn my membership, but I gained a lot of knowledge about Greek life in that...
Notably, the researchers did not find the same effect for sororities. Schmidt believes that was the case because the school he studied was not always coed, so there is not as large of a sorority network available for sisters to use as a career resource. And the community of people who can...
The binge drinking and partying of fraternities and sororities is now under the concern of the chapter locally and nationally. Every year there is a national hazing awareness week that every fraternity and sorority on every campus in America participates in. The only way to fix the problem is ...
Rush week is no longer exclusive to college campuses, it has become a seasonaltrendon TikTok known as #RushTok. And, like mostsocial-media trends, it offers ample opportunities for businesses to get in on the fun. #RushTok first took off in 2021 whenBama Rush— sorority recruitment at the...
At the start of this semester, I was convinced I would be joining a sorority. However, after going through the rush process, I decided that, for me, the cons of Greek life really outweighed the pros. Check out my vlog to find out more, and why I still encourage other girls to go ...