除了纯色的性冷淡风之外,Elgin围巾的绣花风格其实呈现的更多的是本土特色,除了苏格兰裙情调和稍有不慎就会吹成《Friends》里Ross同款的苏格兰风笛之外,Elgin这么多年来的奋斗历史,理所应当也可以作为苏格兰服饰文化代表之一。 JOHNSTONS OF ELGIN秋冬经典款纯色羊绒围巾男女礼盒新 京东 ¥1680.00 去购买 JOHNSTONS OF ELGI...
As I’ve only ever purchased in-store when visiting Elgin I can only comment on the staff and quality of goods themselves.Staff are super polite and welcoming whilst the knitwear is truly world class in terms of fit, comfort and durability.Along with William Lockie of Hawick the Johnston’s...