JOHNSTONS OF ELGIN秋冬女装美利奴羊毛V领针织衫 水獭 京东 ¥2390.00 去购买 除了纯色的性冷淡风之外,Elgin围巾的绣花风格其实呈现的更多的是本土特色,除了苏格兰裙情调和稍有不慎就会吹成《Friends》里Ross同款的苏格兰风笛之外,Elgin这么多年来作为苏格兰文化的服饰代表之外,它的一贯低调作风却没有成为苏格兰全球文化...
of over 1,000, we take pride in making the most beautiful products at our mills in Elgin and Hawick. We support each other as a family and work as a closely connected team to the benefit of our communities in Scotland, London and internationally. With over 25% of our workforce in ...
两年后,在水晶宫的纺织品展览会上,Johnstons of Elgin毫不犹豫地购买了羊驼毛,当时是英国纺织厂第一次购买这种毛料。这就是Johnstons of Elgin的羊绒事业的起点。 现在的羊绒,来自蒙古、中国和阿富汗,在工厂里,经过4道工序,有7500多种颜色可选择。 染色后的纤维,要么在厂内被生产成围巾,要么交付给边境的Hawick,...
Hawick, Scotland Knitwear Simon Cotton, CEO of Johnstons of Elgin, on the importance of coming together as an industry and relying on your networks to help make difficult decisions during the Coronavirus outbreak. I run Johnstons of Elgin, which is the United Kingdom’s largest textile employer....
As I’ve only ever purchased in-store when visiting Elgin I can only comment on the staff and quality of goods themselves.Staff are super polite and welcoming whilst the knitwear is truly world class in terms of fit, comfort and durability.Along with William Lockie of Hawick the Johnston’s...
品牌在苏格兰设有自己的工厂,这也是全英最大的羊绒制品工厂。因为可以自己把关原料的收取以及控制监督生产线,所以品牌的羊绒羊毛产品在品质上自然很有保障。Johnstons of Elgin在伦敦、圣安德鲁斯和苏格兰两个小镇Elgin, Hawick开店后,再次回到家乡的怀抱——终于在爱丁堡开新店啦!
这就是成立距今已经两百多年的英国时尚奢侈品品牌,Johnstons of Elgin 约翰斯顿埃尔金,成家的根本,也是它两百多年坚守英格兰阵地的最佳价值彰显。 JoE经典单品 围巾 不同于CHANEL、Dior等奢侈品品牌经历过战争洗礼、品牌生死危机的长时间隔断,约翰斯顿埃尔金自1797年开始从一而终的品牌发展史,虽然中途也经历了两次世界大...