n是无量纲的硬化系数。n的取值决定着材料的塑性流动方向和材料模型:(1)当n=1,材料为理想线弹性材料;(2)当n=0,材料为非线性弹性材料;(3)当0<n<1,材料为弹塑性材料。c 和 m 为无量纲的模型参数,分别关联应变率与热软化效应。T*=(T-Tr)/(Tm-Tr)为无量纲化温度,其中,Tr,Tm分别为参考温度和材料的熔...
A mathematical model using an updated FB equation based on temperature changing was established to describe the plastic flow stress behavior of CP-Ti. Meanwhile by considering the coupled effects of strain, strain rate and temperature, a modified Johnson-Cook(JC) model was proposed to predict the...
Johnson-Cook材料模型及失效模型 JC模型的公式是基于实验得到的。JC模型中,流动应力(flowstress)可以表示为以下形式 σ=[A+Bε^n][1+Clnε*][1-T*^m] (1) 式中 σ-effectivestress ε-effectiveplasticstrain ε*-normalizedeffectiveplasticstrainrate(typicallynormalizedtoastrainrateof1.0s-1)...
To verify the rifling offset position, the Johnson–Cook model was implemented in COMSOL software. This model was used to make assumptions regarding the stress distribution, simulate the offset model when rifling is shifted, and obtain the relevant offset barrel rifling node optimization die index ...
Reverse Calculation Method for Johnson⁃Cook Model Parameters of 7N01 Aluminum Alloy LYU Siyu1,2,3,ZHONG Mu1,2,3,GE Kai4 (1.Key Laboratory of Traffic Safety on Track,Ministry of Education,Changsha Hunan 410075,China;2.Joint International Research Laboratory of Key Technology for Rail Traffic ...
DATA ANALYSIS AND MODEL DEVELOPMENT 试验数据用来分析说明各种参数对“应变引起的断裂(the strain to fracture)”的影响。这是通过开发一个累积-损伤断裂模型来实现的,该模型使应变率、温度和压力相互独立。在断裂模型开发出来前,一个强度模型和数据简要的描述一下。 Strength model 一个强度模型和数据(关于金属承受大...
Fracture model 断裂模型的目的是说明各种参数的相关影响(relative effects )。该模型 也试图说明通过累积损伤变形发展的路径依赖(path dependency )。不像许 多复杂的成核-生长(Nucleation and Growth )模型,此处的断裂模型使用了 有限数目的常数,而且该模型主要依赖于应变,应变率,温度和压力。 改进后的断裂模型的...
DATA ANALYSIS AND MODEL DEVELOPMENT 试验数据用来分析说明各种参数对“应变引起的断裂(the strain to fracture)”的影响。这是通过开发一个累积-损伤断裂模型来实现的,该模型使应变率、温度和压力相互独立。在断裂模型开发出来前,一个强度模型和数据简要的描述一下。 Strength model 一个强度模型和数据(关于金属承受大...
of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. September, 2000.[2] G. Kay. Failure modeling of titanium 6Al-4V and aluminum 2024-T3 with the Johnson-Cook material model. Tech. Rep. DOT/FAA/AR-03/57. US department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, September, 2003.