For describing the material removal during chip formation, a modified thermodynamically consistent formulation of the Johnson-Cook damage model was used. The model was implemented in the ABAQUS/Explicit finite element solver with a user-defined subroutine, and the experimental validation was performed ...
4 如图,点击界面处的下拉菜单并选择【property】模块,在这个模块中可以设置材料的参数 5 点击界面左侧的【material edit】图标,如图所示,点击create创建新的材料,并在弹出的面板上选择【mechanic】-【damage for ductile metal】-【Johnson-Cook damage】,这个就是Johnson-Cook损伤模型了 6 在Johnson-Cook损伤模型...
基于Johnson-Cook模型的硬物损伤数值模拟研究 ・II・ ABSTRACT Foreignobjectdamage(FOD)eventstofan/compressorbladesoftenoccurduringthe operationofaeroengine.Theyareverydangeroustotheflyingsaftyofaeroengineandaircraft. NumericalmodelingofFODbasingJohnson-Cookmaterialmodelisperformedinthispaper. ...
The measured crater was compared with that predicted by the corresponding finite element model developed using the finite element code Abaqus/Explicit. The target material behavior was modeled by the Johnson–Cook material model that induced both plastic deformation and damage mechanism. Good agreement ...
A modified segmented J–C model was proposed and aimed to accurately reflect the trend of flow stress–strain at various temperature. To improve the prediction accuracy of the constitutive model, the model parameters were calibrated using a genetic algorithm. The damage values of Ayada criterion ...
The material parameters of Johnson–Cook flow stress have been determined experimentally from tests performed at different strain rates (10−4–1550 s−1) and temperatures (25–600 °C). The damage parameters of Johnson–Cook failure model were determined through experiments on flat tensile ...
The Johnson–Cook offset prediction model is used to predict the material offset behavior of glass fiber, and the value of the IMD film inside the barrel is shown in Fig. 12. Then, the subsequent injection molding engineering parameters are tested and optimized on the sub-size of the barrel...
The Johnson–Cook offset prediction model is used to predict the material offset behavior of glass fiber, and the value of the IMD film inside the barrel is shown in Fig. 12. Then, the subsequent injection molding engineering parameters are tested and optimized on the sub-size of the barrel...
frozen soil showed positive strain-rate sensitivity over the range of strain rates employed in the present study.The Johnson-Cook model with damage was introduced to describe the dynamic behavior of-17 ℃ frozen soil.This model works well at the strain rate range from 600 s-1 to 1 200 s-...