Visit us at the Johnnie Walker Experience on Princes Street, Edinburgh for a scotch whisky tour to remember. Find out more and book your visit today.
Explore the Johnnie Walker range of core whiskies. Perfect for gifting and any occasion. Learn more and buy Johnnie Walker online here.
Welcome to the world of Johnnie Walker, home of exceptional blended Scotch whisky. Explore our range of whisky and enjoy the experience.
來發掘 Johnnie Walker 的故事:從 Kilmarnock 鎮的雜貨店擴展到世界每一個角落;酒瓶招紙上的傳奇「邁步向前的紳士」(Striding Man) 顛覆了整個蘇格蘭威士忌世界。 瞭解Johnnie Walker 的故事 威士忌知識 探索威士忌世界 瞭解威士忌種類 瞭解世界各地不同的威士忌,從麥芽、波本到裸麥的分別。 如何釀造威士忌? 追蹤由...
Explore the Johnnie Walker range of exceptional Blended Scotch Whiskies. Find the perfect Johnnie Walker whisky for any occasion. Learn more and buy here.
Common whisky brands|常见威士忌品牌 Johnnie Walker|约翰走路 首先要提到的一定是销量最高、最有名的「约翰走路」。 这个中文名称是由原文 “Johnnie Walker” 意译而来,英文发音是 “Ja-nee wa-ker”。 至于为什么叫 “Walker” 呢?...
Which is the best Johnnie Walker whisky? Terms like “best” are very subjective. The best whisky is the one you enjoy the most. The Johnnie Walker brand has a range of whiskies which are sold at different price points and are often differentiated by the colour of their label. The core ...
苏格兰调和威士忌 Johnnie Walker Aged 18 Years Blended Scotch Whisky, Scotland, UK年份全部年份 NV国内市场参考价:¥688 (NV年份) 酒庄 尊尼获加 产区 苏格兰 风味特征柑橘 焦糖 杏仁 太妃糖 黑巧克力酒款综述 这款威士忌散发着甜美的果香,同时伴随着微妙的焦糖和太妃糖的气息,入口即能感受到麦芽、杏仁、奶...
尊尼获加(JOHNNIE WALKER)洋酒 黑牌黑方 12年苏格兰调和型威士忌1000ml女神节礼盒. 京东现价289.0元,价格给力,喜欢的值友可以入手~ 尊尼获加黑牌调和苏格兰威士忌 Johnnie Walker Black Label Aged 12 Years Blended Scotch
尊尼获加(英语:Johnnie Walker),是世界著名的苏格兰威士忌品牌,由帝亚吉欧(Diageo)在英国基尔马诺克的酿酒厂酿造。尊尼获加家族自一八二零年创业以来,凭着历代总调配师的优良技术和专注精神,一直保持原有之品质和特性,是英国皇室御用酒,在国际间屡获殊荣。联合酿酒集团(UNITED DISTILLERS)拥有的尊尼获加威士忌,是苏格兰威...