Find the best local price for Johnnie Walker 18 Year Old Blended Scotch Whisky, Scotland. Avg Price (ex-tax) ¥657 / 750ml. Find and shop from stores and merchants near you.
Find the best local price for Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve Blended Scotch Whisky, Scotland. Avg Price (ex-tax) ¥467 / 750ml. Find and shop from stores and merchants near you.
其一为尊尼获加斜标系列(Johnnie Walker Scotch Whisky Labels),如:尊尼获加蓝牌苏格兰威士忌(Johnnie Walker Blue Label)和尊尼获加金牌珍藏苏格兰威士忌(Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve),后者获得了2018年世界威士忌大赛(World Whiskies Awards)最出色苏格兰调和威士忌奖(Best Scotch Blended);其二为尊尼获加礼赞系列...
Which is the best Johnnie Walker whisky? Terms like “best” are very subjective. The best whisky is the one you enjoy the most. The Johnnie Walker brand has a range of whiskies which are sold at different price points and are often differentiated by the colour of their label. The core ...
苏格兰调和威士忌 Johnnie Walker Aged 18 Years Blended Scotch Whisky, Scotland, UK年份全部年份 NV国内市场参考价:¥688 (NV年份) 酒庄 尊尼获加 产区 苏格兰 风味特征柑橘 焦糖 杏仁 太妃糖 黑巧克力酒款综述 这款威士忌散发着甜美的果香,同时伴随着微妙的焦糖和太妃糖的气息,入口即能感受到麦芽、杏仁、奶...
Johnnie Walker® Gold Label Reserve™ 金标珍藏威士忌是当今的调酒大师运用不折不扣的精湛技艺和七代牢不可破的调酒知识专门调制的苏格兰威士忌。这款调和酒的风味和品质是至高无上的;无可匹敌的基础硬件创造了这支经世珍品。它是一款真正的全能型威士忌,为有态度和韧性的人们带来勇气。Johnnie Walker® Gold ...
依照Alexander Walker 在 1867 年绘制的蓝图,Johnnie Walker® Blue Label™ 专为庆祝高地陈年威士忌永远改变威士忌酿制工艺而打造。这款酒是摩登时代的杰出成就,反映了 Walker 家族对不单独、亦不再一个地方陈放威士忌的理念,是一款无与伦比的大师之作。被誉为调制酒的经典之作,10,000 个木桶中仅有 1 个珍贵...
Explore the Johnnie Walker range of exceptional Blended Scotch Whiskies. Find the perfect Johnnie Walker whisky for any occasion. Learn more and buy here.
以最優質價錢線上購買Johnnie Walker John Walker & Sons XR 21 Scotch Whisky。屈臣氏酒窖為您提供其他威士忌優惠及折扣, 歡迎選購。