Find the best local price for Johnnie Walker Green Label 15 Year Old Blended Malt Scotch Whisky, Scotland. Avg Price (ex-tax) ¥550 / 750ml. Find and shop from stores and merchants near you in India
Which is the best Johnnie Walker whisky? Terms like “best” are very subjective. The best whisky is the one you enjoy the most. The Johnnie Walker brand has a range of whiskies which are sold at different price points and are often differentiated by the colour of their label. The core ...
Explore the Johnnie Walker range of exceptional Blended Scotch Whiskies. Find the perfect Johnnie Walker whisky for any occasion. Learn more and buy here.
Find the best local price for Johnnie Walker Blue Label 'Legendary Eight' Blended Scotch Whisky, Scotland. Avg Price (ex-tax) ¥3,191 / 750ml. Find and shop from stores and merchants near you.
尊尼获加红牌调和苏格兰威士忌 Johnnie Walker Red Label Blended Scotch Whisky由约35种不同地区的苏格兰威士忌调配而成;世界上受欢迎度超高的调和威士忌之一;产品介绍:尊尼获加红牌威士忌将其卓尔不群和热力十足的品质与个性化的风格和特色融合于一体。尊尼获加红牌威士忌在与其他饮料混合饮用时,依然保持其特有的口味特点...
就买酒提供天猫商城的尊尼获加Johnnie Walker蓝牌蓝方威士忌whisky洋酒进口750ML礼盒最新报价、最低价格及历史价格查询,同时也提供尊尼获加Johnnie Walker蓝牌蓝方威士忌whisky洋酒进口750ML礼盒的图片、产地、酒评、品牌等相关酒品信息的具体介绍供您参考。
Johnnie Walker Double Black Blended Scotch Whisky 度数:40%vol 容量:700ml 产区:英国(England) 烟熏特醇 凭借家族调酒大师的先驱精神和天才的调配技艺创造出了尊尼获加黑牌苏格兰威士忌,醇黑威士忌经过黑牌威士忌百年的积淀的传统的延续,更突出当代的个性,口感更馥郁浓烈而且具有自然的烟熏风味,更具真实个性和深层口味...
Johnnie Walker Black Label Aged 12 Years Blended Scotch Whisky 度数:40%vol 容量:700ml 产区:英国(England) 深邃,复杂 尊尼获加黑牌威士忌深邃、复杂,由40多种不同地区的苏格兰威士忌调配而成,每种威士忌都至少在橡木桶中陈年佳酿超过12年。由于各地区不同的气候和橡木桶等错综复杂的因素,每一种威士忌成熟的方...
尊尼获加黑牌调和苏格兰威士忌 Johnnie Walker Black Label Aged 12 Years Blended Scotch Whisky 《威士忌圣经》的作者Jim Murray评价:“威士忌中的圣母峰,是高档威士忌的精华之作”起源于1870年的“老高地威士忌”,在1909年正式命名为「黑牌」威士忌。由40多种不同地区的苏格兰威士忌调配而成,每种威士忌都至少在橡木桶...