Welcome to the world of Johnnie Walker, home of exceptional blended Scotch whisky. Explore our range of whisky and enjoy the experience.
尊尼获加(JOHNNIE WALKER)红方 700ML (正面) 尊尼获加(JOHNNIE WALKER)红方 700ML (配料表) 从照片中可以看得到酒精度在40%vol,配料表也很干净,有水、大麦芽、小麦、玉米、焦糖色。小恶灵尝试了纯饮和稍微加冰两种饮用方法。 尊尼获加(JOHNNIE WALKER)红方 (纯饮) 纯饮的口感很柔滑,在入口时可以感到一丝木头的...
足见Johnnie Walker(尊尼获加)<黑牌>是全球最受喜爱并集多种荣誉为一身的高级苏格兰威士忌。丰厚的多层次口感,呈现出其他威士忌无可比拟的口感与丰裕浓厚酒味,成为全世界获奖最多的酒品。 尊尼获加自上世纪90年代来到了中国,许多中国消费者通过其精彩的Johnnie Walker(尊尼获加):永远向前系列广告认识并喜欢上了这个品...
Whisky/Whiskey|威士忌 「威士忌」的英文读法是 “wees-ki”,不过拼法有两种:whisky 和 whiskey。 这两种指的都是谷物蒸馏酒,差别在使用地区不同,并非一般「英式美式」的差别: 拼作“whisky” 的地区:加拿大、苏格兰、澳洲、南非、日本、...
Whisky reviews for Johnnie Walker Swing One user has left a review for this whisky. Average rating is88.00points. Read the reviews rrhasmandid not rate this whisky 05 1月 2023 3:04 pm JOHNNIE WALKER SWING (Old Version) Type: Blended Whiskey with no declared age. ...
9 users have left 9 review for this whisky. Average rating is 78.10 points. Read the reviews Caballa scored this whisky 77 points 01 11月 2021 10:24 am Show in original language Johnnie Walker Black Label is a 12-year-old Blend type whiskey and one of the most famous Scotch whis...
JOHNNIE WALKER世界十大名酒之一,以卓越酒质享誉全球的尊尼获加成立于1820年,是全世界最大的苏格兰威士忌生产商,历史悠久。
Yet I’ve always felt that Johnnie Walker’s sparkle had more to do with marketing and unparalleled reach than what was actually in the bottle. Sometimes Mr. Walker’s scotch is quite good, but its stardom has more to do with the fact that it is the most widely distributed whiskey in ...
Comment on @galg's review w Reviewed by @wacked 0075/100 I consider Johnny Walker Black Label to be a very basic "anyone can drink" type of blended whisky. The double black is really a step up with a rather sweeter and dramatically smokier taste. It still makes you remember the regular...
提起世界第一洋酒巨头,英国帝亚吉欧,就不得不提到旗下的JohnnieWalker(尊尼获加)苏格兰威士忌,它在2004年被《福布斯》列为顶级奢侈品牌排行榜第13位,是排名最高的威士忌品牌。特别是它的BlackLabel(黑牌)备受全球品酒师推崇。 自1805年诞生以来,JohnnieWalker(尊尼获加)这位英伦绅士已经款款走过两个世纪,不仅成为苏格兰...