A. John Locke B. David Hume C. Immanuel Kant D. Bertrand Russell 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A。解析:“白板说”(tabula rasa)与约翰·洛克相关。休谟在经验主义等方面有重要观点;康德有批判哲学等重要思想体系;罗素在逻辑和分析哲学等方面有突出成就。反馈...
Who is known for his concept of the "categorical imperative"? A. John Locke B. David Hume C. Immanuel Kant D. Gottfried Leibniz 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 C。解析:康德以“绝对命令”这一概念著名。洛克主要有社会契约论等思想;休谟是怀疑论者;莱布尼茨有单子论等思想。
Term papers with 4 pages in .doc format titled: John Dunn and Locke's concept of State. The document in humanities/philosophy is published in 2012AcepublisherPublications Oboulo Com
a美国爱达荷大学的托涅#麦克丹默斯( Tony McAdams) 教授认为构成美国资本主义社会制度的指导思想和价值支柱的主要有: 洛克的天赋人权论, 亚当#斯密的自由竞争观, 斯宾塞的社会达尔文主义, 以及马克斯#韦伯的新教伦理。这些思想和价值观 American Idaho University's request alunite # Mike Dan silent Si (Tony McAdams...
Locke warned his readers that this “will seem a strange doctrine, it being quite contrary to the practice of the world.” His doctrine of native right is equally strange to recent scholars who see in Lockean theory the ideological prototype for England’s colonial expropriation in the “...
of"thegeneralwill”TheLockeanconceptofthesocialcontractwasinvoked intheUnitedStatesDeclarationofIndependence,Inphilosophyofknowledge ThefirstempiricistProposed“tabularasa”(白板说)AnEssayConcerningHumanUnderstanding(1690)II.BriefaccountofEssay BookI Ofinnatenotions BookII Ofideas BookIII Ofwords BookIV Of...
> John Locke's Concept of Natural Law from the \Essays on the Law of Nature\" to the \"Second Treatise of Government\"" 作者: Quabeck, Franziska 页数: 104 isbn: 3643903227 书名: John Locke's Concept of Natural Law from the \Essays on the Law of Nature\" to the \"Second Treatise...
James R. Stoner 是《普通法与自由主义理论》一书的作者,目前是路易斯安娜州立大学的政治科学教授。 Was Leo Strauss wrong about John Locke? Surely that he was has been the consensus among historians of political thought, though their reasons are sometimes at variance. The Cambridge school, influenced...
John Locke刚开题不久 剑桥大学就来“搞事情”了! 隆重推出了新项目—— Re:think 论文写作比赛 并且参加该比赛无需缴纳任何报名费! 这项赛事到底是什么来头? 今天小林就为大家带来一文详解! Re:think 论文写作比赛 Re:think 论文写作...
John Locke 2024 Law Q3 Step 1 Understanding Law as an Academic Discipline Law, as an academic discipline, involves the study of rules that are created and enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate behavior. It encompasses various f