I. As Professor O'Connor points out in his John Locke, 'idea' is undoubtedly the key-word in Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Nevertheless Locke himself says very little about the idea...doi:10.1007/978-1-349-21232-3_11Glenn Langford...
John Locke(more) In the 17th and 18th centuries, the word “idea” was in very general use as a technical term of philosophy, not with its Platonic meaning, but in a variety of senses mostly traceable to John Locke, some of which were derived by him from René Descartes. In his An ...
JohnLocke There are more references available in the full text version of this article. Cited by (0) View full text Special Issue Second International Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas Urban renewal and economic crisis in Naples: 1884–1889 ...
The addition of his empire, how it showed In prospect from his throne, how good, how fair, Answering his great idea. Milton. ☞ “In England, Locke may be said to have been the first who naturalized the term in its Cartesian universality. When, in common language, employed by Milto...
Innate idea, in philosophy, an idea allegedly inborn in the human mind, as contrasted with those received or compiled from experience. The doctrine that at least certain ideas (e.g., those of God, infinity, substance) must be innate, because no satisfact
Hill’s remarks show that the interdependence of liberalism and the left, and the tension between them, has deep historical roots. Four centuries ago, the founders of modern liberal thought such as John Locke, were attacking extremist, utopian sects, such as the Diggers and the Levellers. But...
More important was Williams’ impact on thought. He served as the first exemplar to all those Americans who would later confront power. He also largely shaped the debate in England, influencing such men as John Milton and particularly John Locke—whose work Jefferson, James Madison and other arc...
Under the first, Holly Faith Nelson and Sharon Aker write on 'Deformity, Defect and Disease in the Natural Philosophy of Margaret Cavendish', Jess Keiser on madness in John Locke, Paul Kelleher on 'The Rhetoric of Deformity' inDavidLiteratureE....
_4.Lockerejectstheideaofinnateknowledgeandarguefortheacquisitionofknowledgefromthesenses._5.Rousseauassumethatthesourceofsocialinequalityliesintheabsenceofsocialcontract. C.1.GiveanaccountofthesettingsandgeneralfeaturesoftheEnlightenment.ThefactthattheenlightenmentfirstoccurredinFrancewasascribedtothe...
FreePolitical philosophyJohn LockePhilosophy 560 Words 3 Pages Good Essays Read More Ideas of Charles Cooley on the looking glass self theory of Charles Cooley and his otherideas. Sociologist Charles Cooley is best known for his concept of looking glass self‚ the theory that self-image is form...