Alex Davis
In conclusion, John Donne's Holy Sonnet IX: If Poisonous Minerals, And If That Tree is a deeply moving and powerful poem that explores the themes of sin, redemption, and salvation. Through its rich and complex language, its vivid and powerful imagery, and its strict sonnet structure, the p...
[Google Scholar] Blades, William, ed. 1901. Boke of St Albans. London: Ellot Stock. [Google Scholar] Bowers, Robert Hood. 1936. The Middle Scotch Poem on Heraldry in Queen’s College MS. 161. Modern Language Notes 51: 429–31. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Byles, Alfred Thomas ...
IInn additiioonnttoohhiisswwoorrkkwwiitthhtthheeCCeenntteerrffoorrththeeEEddggee,,JJSSB is adviser to the proovost andd a visiting scholar at the University of SSoouuthern California. This positionn followed a lengthy tenurree at Xerox Corppoorraattiioonn,,wwhheerreeJJSSB was chief sscc...
Most critics have read this poem as assured and irenic. Studying its deictics, however, reveals significant though often subterranean unease about salvation. In registering that response, the poem also encourages further explorations of how deixis, generally discussed only in terms of secular texts, ...
Google Scholar D. L. Edwards: J. D. Man of Flesh and Spirit, 2001. Cambridge Companion to J. D., Hg. A. Guibbory, 2006. Author information Authors and Affiliations Ingo Berensmeyer Editor information ...
Arthur L. Clements, Poetry of Contemplation: John Donne, George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, and the Modern Period. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990. xvii + 306 pp. $49.50. Professor Clements' study attempts to define mystical, contemplative strain...
Google Scholar Basset, Bernard. 1967.The English Jesuits, from campion to Martindale.London: Burns & Oates. Google Scholar Dudley, Scott. 1999. Conferring with the dead: Necrophilia and nostalgia in the seventeenth century.English Literary History66(2): 277–294. ...
Der Ruf des Autors als ‚cavalier poet‘ basiert vornehmlich auf seinen postumen Fragmenta Aurea, 1646 (Goldene Fragmente), die neben Theaterstücken und Briefen hauptsächlich seine frühklassizistischen Gedichte umfassen. Wie Thomas Carew...
John Donne fearing for his immortal soul, Gerard Manley Hopkins pleading for divine help, these are obvious examples of why such poetry exists and continues to move us as readers. Whether or not we share the beliefs of these poets, we feel what ...