The 17th Century-Outline Introduction and John Donne(下) 本课程旨在使学生对英国文学形成与发展的全貌有基本的了解,掌握英国文学发展的基本脉络,掌握各个时期主要作家以及主要文学流派的创作特色及创作主张。通过阅读和分析部分主要作品,促进学生语言基本功
John Donne's Professional Lives Edited by David Colclough During his life, John Donne occupied a range of professional positions, in all of which he produced writings considered by his contemporaries to be worthy of interest, collection and annotation. Donne's lifetime also coincided with the ...
Webster, Marvell and Milton; but it also stretches to the essays ofFrancis Bacon, the sermons ofJohn Donne,Bunyan's spiritual autobiography and whatever it was thatSir Thomas Brownewrote. It might even at
Shelley (1792-1822), Lord Byron (1788-1824)John Keats (1795-1821) Essays in Romantic period Familiar Style: Charles Lamb (1775-1834) Essays of Elia (1823) William Hazlitt (1778-1830) Table Talk (1821-1922) Thomas De Quincey (1785-1859) Novels in the Romantic Period Gothic Novel , ...
ThomasHardy(1840-1928):NovelofCharacterandEnvironmentTessofthed’Urbervilles(1891)JudetheObscure(1896)JohnGalsworthy(1867-1933)TheForstyteSaga(1922)WilliamSomersetMaugham(1874-1965)OfHumanBondage(1915)HenryJames(1843-1916)TheWingsofDoveRudyardKipling(1865-1936)KimJosephConrad(1857-1924)HeartofDarkness An...
15.Which is the work of John Donne? A:Pilgrim's Progress B:Areopagitica C:Paradise Regained D:Devotions upon Emergent Occasions 内容已经隐藏,点击付费后查看 16.The statements about Betsey Trotwood are true___. A:She never helps David. B:She hates donkeys. C:She is kind in nature. D:She...
Seventeenth-century English literature includes Shakespeare, Webster, Marvell and Milton; but it also stretches to the essays of Francis Bacon, the sermons of John Donne, Bunyans spiritual autobiography and whatever it was that Sir Thomas Browne wrote. It might even at a pinch be taken to ...
John Donne: John Donne: ——the founder of Metaphysical Poem the founder of Metaphysical Poem ——A valediction: Forbidding Mourning A valediction: Forbidding Mourning Prose: Prose: John Bunyan: John Bunyan: The Pilgrim’s Progress The Pilgrim’s Progress 18th Century English literature 18th...
ThefirstpeakofthedevelopmentofBritishliterature,calledTheElizabethanAge.AnIntroductiontoBritishLiterature(英国文学概论)★TheEarlySeventeenthCentury(1603--1660)Metaphysicalpoetry(玄学派诗歌):JohnDonne(1572--1631)SongsandSonnetsAndrewMarvel(1621--1678)TheGardenGeorgeHerbert(1593--1633)TheTemple TheCavalierpoets(...
Which is the work of John Donne? 内容已经隐藏,点击付费后查看 J.Addison’s chief contribution to literature lies in his essays written for The Tatler and The Spectator. 内容已经隐藏,点击付费后查看 Who is not belonging to the Cavalier Poets? 内容已经隐藏,点击付费后查看 The Elizabethan Age is ...