John-Donne诗歌隐喻赏析 AValediction:ForbiddingMourning ——JohnDonne(1572-1631)KEYWORDS MetaphysicalschoolConceitsMetaphorsLovelyrics BriefIntroductiontohislife •BorninaRomanCatholicfamimily.•ReceivedhiseducationatOxfordandCambridge.•In1601,heelopedwithAnnMoreandwascastintoprisonbyherfather.•In1615,he...
donne隐喻john赏析诗歌slantingly AValediction:ForbiddingMourning——JohnDonne(1572-1631)KEYWORDSMetaphysicalschoolConceitsMetaphorsLovelyricsBriefIntroductiontohislife BorninaRomanCatholicfamimily. ReceivedhiseducationatOxfordandCambridge. In1601,heelopedwithAnnMoreandwascastintoprisonbyherfather. In1615,hegaveuphis...
heelopedwithAnnMoreandwascastintoIn1601,heelopedwithAnnMoreandwascastintoprisonbyherfather.prisonbyherfather. In1615,hegaveuphisCatholicfaithandbecameanIn1615,hegaveuphisCatholicfaithandbecameanAnglicanpriest.Anglicanpriest. In1621,hewasappointedtheDeanofSt.Paul'sIn1621,hewasappointedtheDeanofSt.Paul's...
Learn about John Donne. Read a John Donne biography and discover John Donne poems. Explore the literary techniques used by John Donne as a...
"I never tell anyone that 19 is going to be OK, " Ann Bickley says, "I am letting someone know that there is someone in the world who 20 them."Who wouldn't love to receive a letter like that? Let's get writing!A.madeB.putC.helpedD.managedA.rather thanB.less thanC.more thanD...
John Donne 约翰•多恩(1572 - 1631)英国诗人。1572年生于伦敦的一个富商之家,1631 年3月31日卒于伦敦。信仰罗马天主教。早年曾参加埃塞克斯伯爵对西班牙的海上远征军,后成为女王大臣托马斯•埃格尔顿爵士的秘书。1615年改信英国国教,后出任教职,成为当时著名的布道者,1621年起被任命为伦敦圣保罗大教堂的教...
T.S. Eliot's "The Metaphysical Poets" and Cleanth Brooks's New Critical reading of "The Canonization"; finally, more recent attempts to reintegrate Donne's life and writing through a recognition of his intended readerships and sources of inspiration, such as his coterie and his wife,
1、1,A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning John Donne(1572-1631,KEY WORDS Metaphysical school Conceits Metaphors Love lyrics,2,Brief Introduction to his life,Born in a Roman Catholic famimily. Received his education at Oxford and Cambridge. In 1601, he eloped with Ann More and was cast into ...
We love letters. Just as John Donne, a poet,(1)___ it, "Letters, to me and my friends mean(2)___greetings; they get souls together. Thanks to letters, friends who are (3)___speak." He wrote these words nearly 400 years ago. Today, in the age of instant text message, social...