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Pulpit CommentaryVerse 19. - In this; or, hereby ἐν τούτῳ, here clearly refers to what precedes; and the thought is similar to that in verse 14. By sincere and active love we shall come to know γνωσόμεθα that we are children of the truth. "The truth" here...
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary18, 19. When thou wast young—embracing the whole period of life to the verge of old age. thou girdedst thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest—wast thine own master. when … old thou shalt stretch forth thine hands—to be bound for execution, ...
Meyer's NT CommentaryJohn 1:51. Πιστεύεις is, with Chrysostom and most others (even Lachmann and Tischendorf, not Godet), to be taken interrogatively; see on John 20:29.[129] But the question is not uttered in a tone of censure, which would only destroy the fresh ...
David Guzik.Revelation: Verse by Verse Commentary. James M. Hamilton.Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches. (Historic Premillenial and Posttribulational) William Hendrickson.More Than Conquerors: An Interpretation of the Book of Revelation. (Amillennial) ...
1.(1节a)约翰写这封书信的目的:是要叫你们不犯罪。 我小子们哪,我将这些话写给你们,是要叫你们不犯罪。 a.我将这些话写给你们,是要叫你们不犯罪:约翰一书1:8明确表明在基督徒的生活中,罪是一个事实(至少偶尔是事实)。约翰一书1:9明确表明人若认自己的罪,就必得赦免。然而,约翰也清楚表明基督徒要关切...
a.一切的灵,你们不可都信:约翰警告不要一切的灵都信。也就是说,我们绝不能假定每一次心灵经历或每一个属灵能力的显现都来自于神。我们必须试验属灵经历和属灵现象,看它们是否真的来自于神。 i.许多人第一次遇到属灵世界的事实时,往往都非常惊讶,印象深刻,以致于不问那是出于神的不是。这很容易导致欺骗。
Benson Commentary John 6:70-71.Jesus answered them— And, yet even ye have not all acted, nor will you act, suitably to this knowledge and faith. For,have I not chosen,or elected,you twelve— To the honour and happiness of a peculiar intimacy with me, and to a station of the most...
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 10:6-9 Many who hear the word of Christ, do not understand it, because they will not. But we shall find one scripture expounding another, and the blessed Spirit making known the blessed Jesus. Christ is the Door. And what greater security has the church...
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary8. a new commandment—It was "old," in that Christians as such had heard it from the first; but "new" (Greek, "kaine," not "nea": new and different from the old legal precept) in that it was first clearly promulgated with Christianity; though the...