Friends老友记 Episode 216:The One Where Joey Moves Out The One Where Joey Moves Out[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Chandler and Joey are sitting at the bar, in their bathrobes, eating cereal]
其实是一部动画中两个形影不离的好朋友,在这里被Joey用来形容自己和Chandler并不是连体婴,不会永远住在一起。 6. I don't leave youhigh and dry. 我不会丢下你一个人的。 “High and dry”通常用于两种情况:(1)指远离水源,尤其是指船只远离大海,表示搁浅;(2)指某个人处于困境中,没有可以利用的资源,...
Ross:Well, when you're subletting an apartment from your wife's cousin and then you get a divorce, sometimes the cousin suddenly wants his apartment back. Chandler:How can he do that? Didn't you sign a lease? Ross:Who needs a lease whenit's family! Joey:Hey, you can stay with us!
[Scene: Joey's co-star's apartment. Chandler and Joey are at the brunch.] JOEY:Can you believe this place? CHANDLER:I know, this is a great apartment. JOEY:Ah, I was just in the bathroom, and there's mirrors on both sides of you. So when you're in there it's like you're ...
JOEY:Alright, well next time you take a shower, think about the last thing I wash and the first thing you wash. OPENING TITLES [Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica and Phoebe are sitting at the table, Joey and Chandler enter.] ...
Joey和Chandler刚搬到Apartment 20来, 就像模像样地当起了主人。 Joey正在做早餐的Pancake呢,他让Monica过来拿, Joey一甩把Pancake甩地上了。 轮到Phoebe的时候,她一把接住了。 S04E16 Phoebe一向是一个素食主义者,但是她当时怀孕了,她想吃肉。 正痛苦着呢,Joey不忍心看她这样下去。
Meaning: I'm guessing the thief left this message after he robbed Chandler and Joey's apartment. 403: The One With the Cuffs A big smiley face is drawn on it. 407: The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line Treager has left a message: "Clean up the duck feathers in the hallway!
[Scene: Joey and Rachel's apartment, Chandler is entering to find Joey bingeing on the food from the fridge. Joey isn’t doing all that well.] Joey: The fridge broke. I have to eat everything. Cold cuts, ice cream, limes—Hey, what was in that brown jar?
[Scene: Joey and Rachel's apartment, Chandler is entering to find Joey bingeing on the food from the fridge. Joey isn’t doing all that well.] Joey:The fridge broke. I have to eat everything. Cold cuts, ice cream, limes—Hey, what was in that brown jar? Chandler:That’s still in...
Joey's hot new roommate can come and live with me. 那乔伊的新房友就可以过来跟我住了. 电影对白 You must really like Joey to go to all that trouble. 你一定很喜欢乔伊,才为他惹了这么多麻烦. 电影对白 Every week , the TV Guide comes to Chandler and Joey's apartment. 每周都有电视节目指南...